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>> No.37784402 [View]
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I kneeled there in the dirt before Cirno, holding my wounded side, appeared all but defeated.
"This is for Dai-chan!" She yelled and prepared the final attack.
But this was what I had waited for. Looking up at Cirno from beneath my brows, I saw that she had already considered herself the victor and relaxed her guard. I, with the last of my strength, fired a last attack. It hit her square in the forehead and she fell down to earth, landing next to me in with a dull thud and puff of dust. Coughing, I collapsed to the ground.
"Yuuka, yuuka...did you see? so cool...I beat her...are you satis--GAH"
A bare foot pressed my head sideways into the dirt, waking me up from the daze I was in. My body hurt all over and I was confused.
"Yuuka-sama, is that you?"
She pressed with her foot a little harder and said, "Would you mind explaining to me what is the meaning of this? I asked you to drive off the fairies, not having a rolling danmaku fight and destroy the fields."
I strained my eyes to look at her face. She was speaking in that calm but menacing tone again. Her face bore the sadistic and murderous look it had during the first incident in which I met her. She was smiling, but her fury was so palpable that it seemed to warp the air around her.
"I'm sorry, Yuuka-sama. I tried my best, but they were more powerful that I thought."
"Are you joking with me?" She took her foot off my face and kicked me strongly in the gut. "THOSE TWO" she gestured to Cirno and Dai lying in a smoking heap, clearly having also gotten worked over by Yuuka while I was out. "Those two weak fairies gave you trouble." She laughed sardonically. "Well, I guess you only are a human, even if I've made you my gardener. And here I thought that you had been doing so much better. I suppose I will have to punish you."
She used her foot to nudge me, and I groaned and rolled onto my side. I was on the verge of passing out again from blood loss and exhaustion.
"Do you have anything else to say for yourself before I begin."
I said nothing and waited for a repeat of that torturous treatment she gave me when I first trespassed into her fields. But it never came. Instead I sensed that Yuuka had squatted down next to me. I felt her hand on my side, but the touch came tender and not painfully.
"Oh...I hadn't noticed. This cut is deep... You're bleeding."
Yuuka..? Are you...concerned for my wellbeing? Ah.. I could almost cry..
my consciousness abandoned me, but I recalled the sensation of being lifted up, and had a hazy recollection of Yuuka's face, seemingly writ with worry.

I awoke on the futon in the house. I was sore, but not in nearly as much pain. I felt down at my side and found that it had been carefully bandaged with a poultice applied. Did Yuuka do this for me? Even though I caused so many of her flowers to be destroyed? She came into the room drinking a cup of tea.
"Oh you're awake?"
"Did you carry me back and apply this bandage, Yuuka-sama?"
For a moment it almost looked like she was...blushing? No way, it must have been my imagination. After all, tea warms the face.
"Don't think you're free from punishment. I just tended to your wounds because it would be imprudent for you to bleed out in the fields and make more of a mess." She sat down on the sofa.
"Seriously. For my gardener to be so weak as to be wounded like that by that ice fairy. We will have to increase your training."
Ah, for some reason, hearing her talk like this felt so refreshing. I just closed my eyes while she continued.
"Hey, are you listening?"
She softly prodded my wounded side with her foot. Ow..
"You should be healed enough now, so stop lazing about here and go get to work restoring the area that you destroyed."
Demon woman...It felt like I could barely stand much less work. But I guess there's no way Yuuka had really become soft toward me. She's still a yokai with sadistic side to her. No helping that. With a groan I forced myself to my feet, and grabbed my straw hat.

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