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>> No.46781865 [View]
File: 187 KB, 850x1201, __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_kyouda_suzuka__sample-99d5da850bc4223f8f968fb8365b6aff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We're starting" Patchouli Knowledge said, reciting some incantations.
As the magic circle I stood in began to glow I felt nervous. I'd cleaned up enough of the Master's experiments to know that he wasn't immune to the casual error here and there. Still, being a guinea pig was a right of passage in the library and I owed my life to him so I couldn't just say no, even if the request was ridiculous.
Slowly, the red light from the circle crept up my skin and penetrated the thin robe I had been made to wear, as it did so I felt my hairs stand on end and a warmth creep over me, like I was being slowly lowered into a hot tub. When the feeling reached and went over my head a dizzy spell overtook me and my hair began to gently float.
"Everything's stable, continuing to phase 1." Koakuma said sternly, like she was trying to convince herself.
The outer rim of the magic circle grew more intensely red and started rotating with increasing speed, when It became a blur I felt the strangling sensations start. It was as if my skin was about to pop open, I tried wrapping my arms around myself to reduce the pain, but it was like every part of my body was pushing in on itself. I gritted my teeth and bore it, until the second circle began rotating.
A shock wave emanated from inside the circle, then another, and another. Each vibration rattling the whole of my insides and I tried to cry out, but my voice wouldn't answer, and before long the third circle started spinning.
All across my body, I felt white hot pain pricks as if each hair was being pulled out individually, all at once, and simultaneously had a needle shoved into the hole. My head especially felt the agony, my entire scalp was on fire! It was too much, something must have gone wrong, I banged on the wall of the circle, staring at Master Patchouli, but he simply looked on.
'Bastard, this is why Marisa-' but I didn't get to finish the thought as the center circle began to spin.
I heaved and vomited again and again, my system trying to purge whatever poison the magical circle had radiated into me. In all the pain I thought the waste would at least muddy the sigils, disrupting things, but alas, even as my vision began to blur, I could still see they shown through all the viscous liquid, completely unaffected.
And then, all at once, the sigils went dim and the circles stopped spinning and with that, the painful sensations began to fade, spiking me with the occasional convulsion as a farewell gift. Weakly, I tried again to reach for Master Patchouli and again I felt the solid air against my palm.
"...Another reaction...don't..." I heard bits of what he told Koakuma, but never got the full picture as I felt a warmth overcome me.
It started at my heart and spread through my chest, head, and extremities, pumping along to the beat of my pulse. I was scared at first and let out a high-pitched cry, worried more hellish agony was to follow, instead I only felt warm. Once the sensation had spread to the tips of my fingers, my heart began to beat stronger, thumping like a heavy drum, except this new wave of warmth didn't spread to the rest of my body, it remained and swelled in my chest.
I put my hands to my body, feeling a slim, smooth, and soft chest that had once been thick and burly and I felt the swelling manifest physically as soft mounds began to press against my hands. Like the warmth was spilling out of me, my breasts grew and blossomed until my weakened body felt weighed down by them and I collapsed to the floor. I curled into a fetal position as the sensation began to taper, finally ending the experience.
"Are...breathing...maybe..." I heard Master Patchouli's voice in fragments and, reflexively reached out to him. Finding the soft fabric of his outfit, I clung and pulled at it until I could feel my face against his breast, and I cried. I whaled and sobbed for what felt like hours until I'm sure all the fluid that hadn't left my body in sweat and vomit and been ejected through my tears. Eventually I would feel his skinny arms around me and some reassuring rubs on my back, but not soon enough.
"It looks like the spell was a success! Well uh, except for one small detail." Koakuma said, holding up a mirror to me.
In it, I saw Master Patchouli holding a girl with long, wavy blonde hair and golden, tear-stained eyes, who, despite looking a little under the weather, was the spitting image of a certain black-white witch, save for an ample bosom, which had completely overtaken the robe meant to contain it.
"Yes, yes, a small detail, now for the point of all this." Master Patchouli said, before clutching my shoulders and looking me dead in the eyes.
"Marisa Kirisame, I love y-" Master Patchouli began, but bit his tongue. "I mean to say is that you're everything- well, you make my heart beat a little faster- or you could say I-" he stuttered trying to recover.
As fatigue and exhaustion finally overtook me, and I passed out, I idly wondered if this made up for my life debt.

>> No.22076526 [View]
File: 188 KB, 850x1201, patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patchy is good in all flavors

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