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>> No.7800525 [View]
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Are you forgotten your loyalty, your faithfulness, fool?

>> No.7003376 [View]
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>> No.6913125 [View]
File: 87 KB, 500x530, 1254360915873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not. Everyone likes to gloat a little sometimes if they're winning at a game.

>> No.6867261 [View]
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I'm not.

>> No.6329580 [View]
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I never post tripless.

>> No.6219171 [View]
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>> No.6171432 [View]
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Saber doesn't have two routes, and there is no Ilya route, only fanon shit. You're wrong, just get over it.

>> No.6149044 [View]
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Don't talk shit about my waifu.

>> No.6129437 [View]
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It is.

>> No.4239817 [View]
File: 87 KB, 500x530, 1229209028112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I was a child and a preteen, I played a metric fuckton of video games. I could go for hours or days on end with nothing but the occasional bathroom and food break, maybe a shower break if the smell bothered me.

As a teenager, I socialized more in high school. Some of that time was in school, but a lot of it was actually done via our own private internet chat rooms. Crazy shit, huh? Bunch of tech-addicted faggots wasting their after-school hours typing at each other on IRC? We must have been a bunch of nerds, living in some shithole with nothing to do, right?

Try Hawaii Kai, east Oahu. Theatre geeks. The geekiest things we would so much as admit to in each others presence about us would be a working knowledge of Monty Python jokes.

Sometimes I still dig into my own emulators, VNs, or downloaded PC games and try to go at it. Can't last long. You know what usually happens after I get bored for a few minutes?

Yup. Right back here. Maybe I start a thread, maybe I check on the one I posted in a minute ago.

It's amazing, technology. You know what I'd have to do to talk to retarded nerdy elitists like myself without the fucking internet? Shit, I don't. Does it fulfill the need to socialize as well as direct contact? Hell, it's fucking better. I can chat with whoever I specifically want to, at my convenience. At 2:30 in the fucking morning, "outside" can't compete with that.

>> No.3471800 [View]
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I rather didn't enjoy letting Rin get decapitated.

>> No.2574923 [View]
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What I'm saying is it's not something that can be changed, because for every one guy who gets sick of the status quo of treating women like children that you can manipulate into fucking you without being sent to prison, there are at least several dozen more guys who are more than willing to pick up the slack.

Every man in the chain of command from the father who babies his daughter to the suitors who keep their eye on the prize, that prize being nothing more than a vagina attached to an attractive body, create a nigh inexhaustible pool of people who will coddle women into weakness as long as they accept it.

Learning and improvement doesn't happen to people who experience repeated success. In this case, seemingly endless and effortless social success leads to a pattern of nonlearning behavior. I say I can't blame them because, while I'd like to think I could do better in a similar position, I'm not too sure I would. Why, if you never experience failure, would the thought to alter your behavior ever cross your mind? Why, if the only people who object to you are few, far in between, and quickly stamped out by a legion of people who rather approve of you?

I can't fault someone for taking the picture that set of circumstances creates at its face value. I'd probably be stupid enough to believe it if my life went that well for me too.

>> No.2270464 [View]
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A day that has gone by without appreciation for Rin is a day that has been wasted.

>> No.2138625 [View]
File: 87 KB, 500x530, 1235526271844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saber plays Marines.

So what does Rin play?

>> No.2088076 [View]
File: 87 KB, 500x530, 1234719484873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that probably has more to do with Rin than anything else.

>> No.2024815 [View]
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I love F/SN but this is entirely true. Even Saber gets the "tossed aside" treatment by the time HF rolls around.

Well, Rin at least remains a strong player through the whole thing. Which is good enough for me, for Rin is love.

>> No.1792360 [View]
File: 87 KB, 500x530, 1229747248654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at Tohsaka. She's fucking grinning.

Half her blood is smeared across the wall. She doesn't have life eating avengers or regenerating magic bullshit to help her out.

And she's fucking grinning.

Godjesus Tohsaka is awesome.

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