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>> No.46777955 [View]
File: 1.04 MB, 1375x740, 1669395497655315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame it on the autism of mofufags

>> No.45944845 [View]
File: 1.04 MB, 1375x740, 1669395497655315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love and Hatred in equal measure with a line finely drawn between them. Gap moe: Yukari's ultimate fetish cultivated and ready to bear fruit.

>> No.45171385 [View]
File: 1.04 MB, 1375x740, Yukari library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and now, a word from our sponsors

Yukari yawned loudly as she stretched her back and stiffened shoulders, it wasn’t easy being breezy. However, there was only one woman in Gensokyo who could manage a reformation facility, maintain the great barrier, and put a smile on everyone’s face. ‘That woman was me’ thought the great(est) sage of Gensokyo.

This was all really a labor of love if she was being honest, which was something that nobody understood. Even Ran seemed a little more invested in this for base personal reasons rather than the good of Gensokyo and the Hakurei bloodline that managed the balance of it all. Of course, Yukari was only a youkai after all. While she did do it all for the sake of her beloved child and all that lived in it, she’d be remiss if she couldn’t admit that she’d taken a certain affection to the Hakurei family.

Opening a gap in front of her hand she reached and scratched that sweet spot on her back, cooing out satisfaction as she withdrew her hand snagging a steaming cup of tea sourced from one of those overly ritzy British cafes. The cup of Darjeeling tea warmed her fingers and its aroma tickled her nose, it was in the perfect temperature range of 83.1345 degrees centigrade and only dipping in minor amounts thanks to the lovely ceramics of it container. And the taste? Exceptional~

Yup, Yukari. You truly know how to enjoy the high life even while you entertain the peons and keep giving so much to those below you~ Yukari leaned back in her padded leather chair to exactly 73.54 degrees, the perfect amount to let someone relax while still having their head in the game.

Yukari was feeling good, even if certain little stunts done by certain jakus, foolish humans, and irritable youkai alike all conspired against her. Although she tried to clear her mind of such petty distractions it was no secret that many wished her harm.

That Moriyan god, for example, was a true menace if her informants were right, contracting oni to do her bidding? How annoying. Oh, and she couldn’t forget about that pervert god of a sage, actively weaving the most troublesome plots all to settle some old bet… The last thing Yukari wanted to do was have to assume her child form just to please her…

Ugh, and there goes Yukari’s enjoyment… She carelessly tossed the half full tea cup into a gap letting it land exactly where that waiter was going to step. She pushed herself back up letting the chair resume its normal position as she considered her options. When push came to shove, and it will shove indeed. Who could she rely on for the last leg of her plot?

The winter solstice and festival would be coming up soon, an obvious weakpoint and if there was any time to strike it’d be then. She knew that none of the concerned would be able to resist, its why she would have the Kiketsu family and Kasen in attendance as extra muscle in case things went south. She couldn’t rely on the tengu for anything more than crowd control and keeping the lower level youkai in line. Once Okina or the oni make their moves they’d be like fairies playing around the focal point of an incident, only good as time wasting fodder.

No, she needed someone to balance things. Her Ran could only be counted on for protecting the front gate and even then, not for very long. Of course, that left the pool rather small. Still, there was one or two women that she could broker with. After all, to beings such as them there is little easier than to work a few mere months for massive rewards.

>> No.42265278 [View]
File: 1.04 MB, 1375x740, 1669407967297046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41876031 [View]
File: 1.04 MB, 1375x740, Yukari library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and Yukari using your gaps to take it easy in random places!

>> No.41874592 [View]
File: 1.04 MB, 1375x740, Yukari library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea, skinship, pleasant conversation
Not being scared of her eldritch gaps

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