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>> No.42205575 [View]
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Deep Rock Galactic
>dropped right into Hoxxes in a metal drop pod, have a mission to "slay" a dreadnaught apparently
>it's a solo op, only me, my kit, and the company-mandated Automaton assistant Bos-ko on the mission. Oh, and also Molly, our trusty non-combat MULEbot cargo hauler.
>exit drop pod
>"swarmed" by bug girls
>"shoot" them all with my "sludge pump"
>Bosko "handles" a part of the swarm too, helps me "reload" my "gun", and is ready to "revive" me when things get dire
>this continues for a while, interspliced with me actually doing mining for Pink Sugar to keep my health topped up, and depositing Nitra in Molly to call for a resupply pod to "restock ammunition"
>finally get through the caves to the dreadnaught egg, smack it with me pickaxe to open it
>i was told by R&D there's only one big dreadnaught per egg, but i got duped. there was two smaller ones in there instead!
>the shortstack twins "attack" me from all sides, Lacerator flanks me from behind and gets "up close and personal", while Arbalest uses ranged attacks right in my "front"
>panic, got pinned down, and lost all my stamina in the fight so Bosko has to help me out and "revive" me again
>after a bit of maneuvering to a better "fire position", start "working" on the Lacerator by getting her in front of me, pinning her down so she can't firebreath at me, and tell Bosko to "handle" Arbalest before she has a chance to attack me from behind
>strip lacerator's armor with a "satchel charge" hit all of her exposed "weakpoints", and she "goes down" pretty easily once i finish her off with my "plasma charger"
>Bosko's been keeping Arbalest "busy" too with her "support rockets", it only takes one "swing of my melee weapon" right into her exposed "weakpoint" to defeat her
>mission control congratulates me on job well done, as always with that bratty undertone of someone who's never been in the thick of the action, will have to give her some "correction" next time i see her.
>call up the drop pod, follow Molly's thick metal ass to the pod's drop location, "fight" through another buggirl swarm (they really don't want me to leave, even though i always return), load up the "spoils of war", and get back to base.
>on the notice board see that there'll be another mission tomorrow, this time dealing with rival company's datamining project and "taking care" of their server's Caretaker, and bringing back everything not nailed down (including the Caretaker)
>will finally get another dwarf to assist me, but she's a Scout so her "weapons" are weaker than mine. get to the bar to meet her, get absolutely smashed and "smashed" together, and give her a proper "welcoming ceremony"
>just another day at the office
Rock and stone, to the bone(r)!
i'm sad that i don't have that much good art of the monstergirl glyphids to post

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