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>> No.45049471 [View]
File: 49 KB, 465x336, __cirno_nazrin_and_toramaru_shou_touhou_drawn_by_tomobe_kinuko__sample-e0b9630ea0b3ef3a2b48a111c2b04ae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cirno 8, last one was 7

Cirno felt a tingling sensation as Byakuren’s arm left her, Okina had touched that spot earlier, was something important about it? Cirno put her own hand on that spot, failing to feel a heartbeat.

Mulling her words over as she starred as Cirno, Byakuren kneaded her hands together. “Cirno.. You haven’t been doing anything strange lately?” Byakuren ventured.

Cirno put her hand to her chin as she thought to herself. “No, not really?” she said casually, answering in an honest and childlike tone.

Byakuren and Shou could only stare at Cirno, shocked at how clearly false her words were while she herself believed in them completely.

"Well Cirno, I don't know much about fairies, but you're certainly made up of a lot of vitality and natural elements… how do I say this next part."

"You are unstable and using a foreign source of faith to stabilize yourself," Shou stated bluntly, Cirno noticed she didn’t have that jewel thingy and spear she normally did.

Realization popping into Cirno’s mind she spoke without speaking "Oh yeah. That'd be Okina-san. I remember now." Cirno said, shaking her head in affirmation as she proceeded to not explain anything.

An old man like that god hanging out with fairies, the youkai and idol could only be disturbed by the implications. "Cirno." Byakuren says in a quiet motherly voice as she puts a hand on Cirno's shoulder, "Where did she touch you."

"byakuren-san!" Shou protested, "Don't insinuate such things, Okina may be odd, but she's still a Buddha, there's no way she'd touch a child."

"I'm not a child, I'm over eighty years old!" Cirno protested, realizing what Byakuren and SHour were implying. Flying out of Byakuren's grasp a horrified look crossed both Shou and Byakuren’s faces. “Stop looking at me like that! Okina-san is gonna help me save Anon and Reimu, and she’s keeping me safe as well!” Cirno exclaimed, letting a burst of chill wind explode outward from her. “Stop assuming such mean things about her!”

“Saving Anon?” The two asked simultaneously

“So you’ve entered into a contract with Matara-jin and into the backdoor god’s service to extend your own life and protect the people you love, am I correct.” Shou said as she eyed the ‘nun’ who stood next to her.

Ignoring Shou’s gaze, Byakuren spoke. “I admire your bravery Cirno, but you should be so quick to enter into the service of that od and thro-”

“If I’m gonna protect the people I care about I need to be strong.” Cirno said with a strong resolve before it quickly started weakening “A-and I-I don’t want to die.” Cirno finished the last part with tears welling up in her eye, her voice growing shaky as thin cracks appeared along her skin and the sound of shattering Ice reverberated throughout the room.

“Calm down Cirno,” Byakuren says, pulling the fairy down and into a hug. Stroking the back of Cirno’s head like another world as Cirno cried into the monk's shoulder. “It’s okay Cirno, I may not know everything that is happening to you, but you’re not going to die.”
Holding Cirno out in front of her said.“Now, my professional opinion as a Youjitsu practitioner is that as a fairy, you are an embodiment of how humanity views nature. Over time you’ve strayed from the original vision and gained power beyond your means, like most Youkai or gods you now require supplementary material, faith, fear, worship, and humans, to keep on living. Okina is providing that just like how Bishamonten supplies it to Shou here.” Byakuren finishes by gesturing for Shou to speak.

“As a representative of a god, you will naturally become more like them. Before Byakuren imbued me with the essence of Bishamonten I was a near feral youkai made of many disparate myths and fears of a divine beast that guarded the mountain the Myouren temple was built on. But now.” Shou gestured to the entirety of herself, taking special care to highlight her abdomen for a reason that evaded Cirno.

“Even if I haven’t been the best idol, please come to me as your senpai if you need any help, Cirno.” At that, Shou bowed at the waist towards Cirno. “But as I was barely aware when I became an Idol, perhaps another ex-fairy like Suwako-san would be of more help?”

Byakuren almost choked and Cirno only tilted her head in response to Shou’s suggestion. "Suwako used to be a fairy? I thought she was a youkai."

>> No.45049451 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 49 KB, 465x336, __cirno_nazrin_and_toramaru_shou_touhou_drawn_by_tomobe_kinuko__sample-e0b9630ea0b3ef3a2b48a111c2b04ae2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno felt a tingling sensation as Byakuren’s arm left her, Okina had touched that spot earlier, was something important about it? Cirno put her own hand on that spot, failing to feel a heartbeat.

Mulling her words over as she starred as Cirno, Byakuren kneaded her hands together. “Cirno.. You haven’t been doing anything strange lately?” Byakuren ventured.

Cirno put her hand to her chin as she thought to herself. “No, not really?” she said casually, answering in an honest and childlike tone.

Byakuren and Shou could only stare at Cirno, shocked at how clearly false her words were while she herself believed in them completely.

"Well Cirno, I don't know much about fairies, but you're certainly made up of a lot of vitality and natural elements… how do I say this next part."

"You are unstable and using a foreign source of faith to stabilize yourself," Shou stated bluntly, Cirno noticed she didn’t have that jewel thingy and spear she normally did.

Realization popping into Cirno’s mind she spoke without speaking "Oh yeah. That'd be Okina-san. I remember now." Cirno said, shaking her head in affirmation as she proceeded to not explain anything.

An old man like that god hanging out with fairies, the youkai and idol could only be disturbed by the implications. "Cirno." Byakuren says in a quiet motherly voice as she puts a hand on Cirno's shoulder, "Where did she touch you."

"byakuren-san!" Shou protested, "Don't insinuate such things, Okina may be odd, but she's still a Buddha, there's no way she'd touch a child."

"I'm not a child, I'm over eighty years old!" Cirno protested, realizing what Byakuren and SHour were implying. Flying out of Byakuren's grasp a horrified look crossed both Shou and Byakuren’s faces. “Stop looking at me like that! Okina-san is gonna help me save Anon and Reimu, and she’s keeping me safe as well!” Cirno exclaimed, letting a burst of chill wind explode outward from her. “Stop assuming such mean things about her!”

“Saving Anon?” The two asked simultaneously

“So you’ve entered into a contract with Matara-jin and into the backdoor god’s service to extend your own life and protect the people you love, am I correct.” Shou said as she eyed the ‘nun’ who stood next to her.

Ignoring Shou’s gaze, Byakuren spoke. “I admire your bravery Cirno, but you should be so quick to enter into the service of that od and thro-”

“If I’m gonna protect the people I care about I need to be strong.” Cirno said with a strong resolve before it quickly started weakening “A-and I-I don’t want to die.” Cirno finished the last part with tears welling up in her eye, her voice growing shaky as thin cracks appeared along her skin and the sound of shattering Ice reverberated throughout the room.

“Calm down Cirno,” Byakuren says, pulling the fairy down and into a hug. Stroking the back of Cirno’s head like another world as Cirno cried into the monk's shoulder. “It’s okay Cirno, I may not know everything that is happening to you, but you’re not going to die.”
Holding Cirno out in front of her said.“Now, my professional opinion as a Youjitsu practitioner is that as a fairy, you are an embodiment of how humanity views nature. Over time you’ve strayed from the original vision and gained power beyond your means, like most Youkai or gods you now require supplementary material, faith, fear, worship, and humans, to keep on living. Okina is providing that just like how Bishamonten supplies it to Shou here.” Byakuren finishes by gesturing for Shou to speak.

“As a representative of a god, you will naturally become more like them. Before Byakuren imbued me with the essence of Bishamonten I was a near feral youkai made of many disparate myths and fears of a divine beast that guarded the mountain the Myouren temple was built on. But now.” Shou gestured to the entirety of herself, taking special care to highlight her abdomen for a reason that evaded Cirno.

“Even if I haven’t been the best idol, please come to me as your senpai if you need any help, Cirno.” At that, Shou bowed at the waist towards Cirno. “But as I was barely aware when I became an Idol, perhaps another ex-fairy like Suwako-san would be of more help?”

Byakuren almost choked and Cirno only tilted her head in response to Shou’s suggestion. "Suwako used to be a fairy? I thought she was a youkai."

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