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>> No.33176056 [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x800, Sad Ange Jump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amakusa felt a little bad to see Ange drink another cheap beer but if he could deny her demands they would not be staying in a backwater hotel. The show on the television was of the same quality as the beer and hotel so Amakusa turned it off and ready-ed himself to go to sleep however he was stopped. Ange was holding his hand as it rested on the remote and as he looked at her he was reminded of a of a girl in his high school class when he was younger than Ange. That moment of nostalgia was interrupted as Amakusa realized Ange was topless and was even more surprised when he realized Ange was bringing his hand to her breast and more blatantly to feel her nipple which at first sent a wave of exhilaration through his body but quickly felt unsatisfying and left him perturbed. Ange was a pain in the ass when he had first been hired as her security guard and that had increased exponentially now that she had undertaken a trip ricocheting haphazardly through Japan and Okonogi had chosen him as the man to follow her. It had been even worse as of late because Ange had begun to practice "magic" and made Amakusa look for tacky stakes and crystals that looked like oblique ice cubes. Amakusa quickly pulled his hand from Ange as she showed a look of pure surprise at his actions. As her inebriation made her take long to process his actions she eventually shifted her gaze to the floor looking like a child being scolded by her older brother and wondered aloud "Do you not like me?". Yes. Amakusa said to himself but quickly assured Ange "I don't think of you that way." Ange looked sad but said that was fine and tried to give Amakusa a hug anyway but he stepped back realizing he had to make himself clear. Refraining from his usual casual or humorous manner of speaking he said in an explicit way "Ange, You're an adult so I'm going to be blunt. My job is to protect you, not to have sex with or date you." Ange tried to wear a composed expression however the look of sadness in her eyes showed Amakusa's words had just killed an entirely different family for her. As she got up from the couch Amakusa would have to sleep on and sauntered to the room's one bedroom loudly closing the door like it was the entrance to a tomb Amakusa felt a little bad for how stern he had been. That was until he heard her loudly crying and trying to talk to a room of people that didn't exist as if she were six years old. "He should have felt the same way!" Ange said in a shout that made Amakusa check to make sure she hadn't returned to the living room. As Amakusa searched through his travel bag for earplugs he eventually heard Ange go silent, deciding she must have gone to sleep he turned off the lights and once again inserted the ear plugs that had become a staple of the trip into his ears. Ange hadn't gone to bed but Asmodeous and Sakutarou had mostly calmed Ange however they hadn't been able to dry her eyes as she clutched her pillow in a choke hold. "He was the one person who wanted to help and was always nice." Ange gasped to the crowd of furniture surrounding her as she cried into her pillow. Maria tried to offer a word of comfort but that was Ange's final line of the night as she didn't want to speak anymore and instead just stared into her pillow wishing it was a portal to another world. After her tears had gone Ange realized she desperately wanted someone to make her feel better or at least talk to her but as she looked up from her pillow she saw none of her furniture there. Ange searched all around the room opening the closet, the bedside drawers, and her wallet but saw none of her friends anywhere. Not even the witch of Aunt Eva who so liked to torment was there to taunt her. Feeling tired and stupid, Ange felt a creeping feeling of horror and ultimately acceptance as she realized something. Speaking aloud as if she had just made a genius discovery she said "They don't exist." and offering an awkward smile to no-one she continued revealing yet another epiphany "They never existed."

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