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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.1952490 [View]
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Anyways, you seem to have come to the wrong place - /jp/ has basically no delusions about samurai (or interest for that matter) unless they are also lolis, catgirls, MANRY or all three. The type of people you seem to be dealing with probably hang elsewhere.
If you want to get rid of them, this is what you must do.

1: Turn the one thing they hold dearest against them. Just tell them the truth, that samurai in general were just bullies and thugs with silly haircuts and swords - those few honourable samurai they take for granted being akin to diamonds magically appearing in a huge steaming pile of crap.
Upon hearing this they will likely react violently and go into denial. After a while they will either accept the truth as good enough (which will leave them a lot more discrete about it), or withdraw into permanent denial and leave you alone.
2: Point them in the direction of actual Japanese political history and clan history in particular (I'm assuming they aren't learning much in class) - they'll find it painful, but once they start reading they won't be able to stop. Once they realise the value of ashigaru and massed firearms, they will likely soften up.
3: Listen patiently to everything they have to say about Miyamoto Musashi - and correct them mercilessly at the slightest mistake or exxageration. DO NOT at any time let them talk about samurai bunnies.
4: Point them in the direction of some facts about actual Japanese blacksmithing - Clive Sinclair's Samurai is a good start. Once you get them interested, it is only a matter of time before they begin to think straight and stop thinking in NINJAS SAMURAI LOL 9000 terms. They won't shut up, but they will be acceptable listening to.

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