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>> No.45485187 [View]
File: 110 KB, 850x1202, __kishin_sagume_touhou_drawn_by_rinkaito1231__sample-a010e5f1b9c48bf657d3a1df11c2dd59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No, Sagume-Sensei is more like a divine spirit, kind of similar to Junko, but she has the same air as you do." Goro commented.
Was he analyzing me while I was embarrassed so it would escape my notice? Crafty man, I'd have to watch myself a little better.
I swiped the board again and a set of columns appeared, numbered one through seven. Under the first column the Watatsuki sisters and I were listed, under the second was Yukari and Okina, and on and on it went until under the seventh where bugs and small animals were listed.
"So you're not only interested in our drama, but our strength as well." Goro commented, recognizing the purpose of the diagram.
"Eh? You put yourself on top there? How bold of you you!" Seija laughed. "Hey, why am I listed at fifth?"
"Don't take it too personally, this is mainly for optics purposes so they gotta put a Lunarian on top, even though they all ran with their tails tucked between their legs when that grudge came knocking or when the Americans came back to the heavens in force, luckily it turned out they just came back to re-adjust their instruments and re-plant their flag!" Doremy laughed.
"Say, the differences between these ranks isn't linear right?" Goro asked, rubbing his chin.
I nodded and tapped the screen, causing a table to appear indicating the magnitude difference between each rank. When one stopped to consider it, organizing power in this fashion made prefect sense. For example, a normal human at rank five could overcome a fairy easily at rank six and maybe even a youkai like Seija at rank four, but the fairy could get one over on the human half the time and the human would get one over on the Youkai one time out of four. So, a fairy could win against a Youkai one time out of eight. Plainly stated, one had to work many times harder to over come an opponent of increasing rank. Although exceptions to this model did exist.
"Hey what about when I had the Miracle Mallets power or my cheat items? I took on plenty of people in ranks two, three, and four!" Seija asked.
Tapping the screen, the portraits of various people disappeared and the view shrunk to show portraits of Seija, diagonally bisected with pictures of the miracle mallet, the cheat items, and Goro in rank four, three, and three respectively, although the picture with Goro was above the Cheat Items.
"So it can track more situational conditions as well. Say, where am I on this graph?" Goro asked.
Tapping the board, Goro's portrait appeared under rank five, but a new column also appeared labeled 'S' where a portrait of Goro bisected with 'The Root', his cursed bracelet appeared. Some other notable people, such as Koishi were also listed.
"So they're strengths they can't account for." Goro remarked.
"Eh, what do you mean by that? Sounds like their system's just faulty to me." Seija shrugged.
There was, in fact, many other models used by Lunarians to track power, but this primitive model was chosen to create a simple explanation for these two.
"Koishi can't be tracked normally so her strength is hard to gauge. I could target just about anyone with the bracelet and bump them off at the cost of my life. That isn't strength you can beat just by being good at danmaku or fighting. Which begs the question, why are you showing us all this?" He reasoned aloud.
I tapped the board and the view switched to an anatomical picture of a man with a dotted perimeter around his right hand and a bracelet around the other. A few metrics appeared besides it indicating items like latency, observation time, memory, and other factors they wouldn't understand. With another tap of my finger the dotted perimeter extended from the right hand to encircle the entire body and the metrics all jumped a magnitude. Then the view switched back to the ranking columns and introduced a new picture that was a conjunction of Seija's portrait and the anatomical diagram which floated on top of the rank one, two, and three columns. Below it, a bracket appeared pointing to each column, a question mark besides it.
"If I invert entirely, we might jump a level or two." Goro said, looking at his boney hand.
"No, this is a trick, you were sent by Yukari to deceive us weren't you? How does the rest of Goro getting mutilated make us any stronger?" Seija stated irately.
I was about to tap the screen, but instead Goro spoke up.
"It would let me think like an Amanojaku. As it stand, when I send you fulcrums there's a costly translation step to make the instructions legible for you I haven't been able to expedite any other way. Not only that, but I could use you as a receiver to make my scanning easier. You remember what we did with the Yama? How in sync we had to be to even come close to countering Hana's strange movements? Imagine being able to do all those things like they were second nature, we'd be on the same level as a Sage."

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