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>> No.45404525 [View]
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“….So after that, they just sat me down and told me everything.” I finished off my story. With some pride I notice that everyone had paid attention. Even Marisa was listening, and she was there for most of it. I still had my touch as a storyteller.

Shinki was the first to speak. “Well, that does sound like how Yukari operates. Create an overly elaborate plan that puts people in danger when she could have found an easier way of doing it. People like her are such a pain”

Marisa grunts in approval and Yuuka just nods. It’s so good to see our little group agree on something, even if it is their dislike for one of the most powerful figures in Gensokyo.

Mima sits up-at least I think so does. She floats a bit higher and her wavering body half shifts be between her so she’s straight up. “It does give me a bit clearer idea on how she works. But I want to know about your powers that lead to all of that happening. You clearly have no future as a fighter or even a distraction, and you might not be able to provide any useful intelligence form the village. But If you were to still have some mastery over books penned by youkai. That could be useful”

I might not anything about magic or scheming, but something tells me that that the next words to come out of her mouth would involve something very dangerous for me. I wondered if it was too late to back out and offer to look after Marisa. But I didn’t want to say I was tidying baby clothes while everyone else was out there fighting to free one of my friends. Hell, I’ve known him for longer then Mima and Shinki and they’re putting so much effort into freeing him. Well, it helps they’re hundreds of times more powerful than I, but that was no reason to back down. I braced myself for whatever Mima would tell me to do.

“Yukari has this incredibly planned out. The entire place is filled with extremely potent high-level magic. She’s made connections all over just to keep the place running. There’s no telling what else she has up her sleeve for when she needs to pull something out to stop us. We don’t have enough information. That’s where you can come in. Even someone like Yukari is going to need to write things down, you follow?”

Much to my disappointment, I did. I nod.

“If your powers work the way I think you do, you can simply get an impression directly off of anything she might write. It could be a work contract, or a schematics on how the whole security system works. You might be able to skip the process of reading it to understand it, and just get it to tell you what it means. Even the writings of a youkai like her would mean nothing to you if you did it properly. All you need to do is steal anything that looks important and being it here. Unlike us, you’re so weak she won’t pay any attention to you at all, and you have a reason to be around her archives. That’s all you need to do for us, simple right?”

Sure, it did sound simple. But pulling off without getting mauled to shreds was another matter. But if this really did help them, then I had to at least put in some effort. “I’ll see what I can do” I said. It was the classic response to gave to something you’d properly never do, but at least try to attempt. If it worked for not completing annoying book orders, it would work for not being able to steal from Yukari.

"Thanks Kosuzu, we're counting on you" Mima said, twisting the knife deeper. Ouch."It's late so you must want to head back to the village and get ready. Yuuka will chase you home"

"Chase? Don't you mean escort?" Yuuka asked as she tilted her head.

"No, escorting is Anon's job" Mima looked around to see her joke fell flat. "Ah well. Kosuzu would use the endurance training and get used to being under pressure and Yuuka well, maybe you can work on your intimidation? Not that you need much help with that"

Yuuka looked strangely hurt for a moment but still started to move towards me. I knew I was in no danger. They had just asked for my help, and to kill me would not help them in any way. Still, there was such a thing as a save distance from someone that can kick you in half, and that is out of their reach. My legs were already moving. I ran further than I ever had in a long time that day.

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