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>> No.45820363 [View]
File: 340 KB, 1536x2048, __yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_kimura8556spsk__4590d28ad876a5af04b86401dce111ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spread across the threads, but no real chapter about it since the future in-universe is so uncertain. Sorry mate.

>> No.45713316 [View]
File: 340 KB, 1536x2048, __yagokoro_eirin_touhou_drawn_by_kimura8556spsk__4590d28ad876a5af04b86401dce111ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yukari has come here many times; the procedure has become routine. But today's different, important: the IUI will be done using one of my genetic masterpieces.

Udongein noticed the tension yet kept silent; she knows well the secrecy of this procedure and whatever results it wields, though not the full extent of it… She'll know when her time to bear one of my masterpieces comes, but all in its due time. Yukari, however, seemed on edge with different topics—topics I do not care about if they don't pose danger to my perfect child. Not like I'd try getting information from Yukari of all people, anyway.

The provided semen is fresh and healthy and, gladly, hasn't been exposed to air—gapped from inside herself? Intelligent—, a silent fury filling my chest; just to think of this foul sludge tampering with the perfect DNA of my child… It's been many centuries, but it's refreshing to know I haven’t lost my touch on complex and gory imaginary scenarios of vindication~

Nonetheless, I've prepared for this and am totally confident I'll be able to destroy all the sperm's genetic code but the chosen chromosome during the process.

Oh, the thrill—so close, so very close…

Yukari's cold eyes are on me as Udongein prepares the catheter, and I can't help but ask. "Doubting your doctor, Yukari?" With utmost care, I take the first vial out of the vitrification sealment—the safe still back at my laboratory; Yukari must believe this is the only egg that survived—a pinch of fear growing inside my heart; to part ways with such excellence, to let the unpredictable world take it… Ah, the aches of being a mother.

"… What's the chance of success?" Her voice almost sounds weak. Almost. Perhaps the gossip that the Inaba nurses were whispering about, namely the bullying of their human sister by Yukari, is not entirely one-sided? Reisen's attempts to pretend she's not listening are as unconvincing as ever.

"There's no true percentage—but it's very low." That's a lie. With all my hard work and flawless method, Yukari will get pregnant, no matter how much her body tries to stop it. Still, this lie should be a good excuse to harvest more eggs from her in the subsequent checks. "Not as low as before, mind you."

She nods, deep in her own thoughts. Good. The less attention she pays to the procedure, the easier it'll be to get what I need.

"Well, anything you want to say before we start the IUI?" I fix my mask and gloves; Udongein replaces hers with new ones.

"I need—” she emphasizes the word, “—this personal victory. Do not fail me anymore, Eirin.” A threat? Towards the woman who'll be inseminating her using hands, syringes, and tubes? Bold. It even got poor Udongein tense like a rod, giving me eyes of expected fear.

I, of course, don't care.

This is my moment, the very one for which I've been restlessly preparing myself for weeks upon weeks. The moment I'll give a true, palpable meaning to 'perfection'.

Nothing will be able to stop me—us—after today.

I nod, and so it begins.

First on the list: triggering her body to ovulate. Preposterously easy with the use of Gaps.

But then comes the hard part: replacing the egg her body produces with my masterpiece. We settled on not using the Gap for this sensitive endeavor, considering it's the very thing that kills off the eggs, so I have to do it manually. It's a lengthy and straining process; any amount of applied pressure put in the wrong spot, and the egg cracks open like its namesake. In my hands, that possibility is as low as it can get… It doesn't make the two hours it takes to safely remove and store the previous one and replace it with my masterpiece any less boring.

That out of the way, me and Udongein monitor the progress of the egg using a Gap—fantastical power as always, enabling us to watch so closely and so thoroughly something so very small—the Inaba checking periodically on Yukari's entrance and our machinery, no flaw in sight or signs of infection or the like.

With the healthy egg inside, the insertion of the sperm began. Yukari's attention was solely focused on the Gap, oblivious to the faint light emanating from my fingertips around the tube leading inside her. Diligently and quietly, I eradicated every strand of genetic data within the million sperm but their X or Y chromosomes, a feat that only the Brain of the Moon could dream of accomplishing.

It was exceedingly hard to hide my vast grin when, indeed, I made it; my heart rate skyrocketing. Udongein stared at me, confused, but predictably remained silent.

All under the nose of the most paranoid sage of Gensokyo~

The next hour was spent watching as the flood poked at the egg, trying to force entrance—! One made it inside, Yukari's breath rushing, eyes wide, hands together trembling—

Just as it was fertilized, various Gaps began opening all around it, relentlessly attacking it. Yukari paled, the face of a mother watching her child fight an unfair war, her heart metaphorically trying to jump out of her throat…

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