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>> No.9473024 [View]
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Ter Scarkelt Debil Mansior, a bost wickled place of evil ond vilony. A kookie kast of karachturs awates insoid. Honk Ming, da useloss gote gord who cant eben koop out a thing, and hor friend Sokya, da cold maid wo kep the hoose in ordor for her boss wot hor tome-stoppong powors. Bachole knowage, da assmatic shot-in who hode in hor room all day an rod a books instod of ploying otuside. And do mastor of da castle, Romia Scorlet, da vompore ho loiks do eot swoots before bed instod of blood, alongo woth hor sistro Flandal Scorlet, da soycotic soycopath ho hoid in da basemont all doy. The SMD gang woll deloight aodience for all toime, dont moss a singol monuite!

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