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>妖怪つるべぇ変化 (Youkai Tsurube Transformation)
A skill. Mamizou sends out one of her tanuki followers in the form of a tsurube (a youkai in a bucket that drops down from trees) to swing out and smash the opponent.
>妖怪オモカゲ変化 (Youkai Omokage Transformation)
A skill. Mamizou transforms into the opponent and uses one of their skills or stabs using her karakasa or slams down using her nurikabe (塗壁; wall youkai) or swings with her sake bottle. Omokage (オモカゲ) means "face", "shadow", or "vestige". Interesting to note is that the origins of the nurikabe are speculated to be from tanuki (who use their scrotum as a wall to block people) or other transforming beast youkai who take the form of a wall for their tricks.
>変化「分福熱湯風呂」(Transformation "Bunbuku Hot Water Bath")
分福 (bunbuku) refers to the story 分福茶釜 (Bunbuku Chagama lit. "tea pot bubbling with luck") in which the tanuki priest Shukaku (守鶴) was saved from an animal trap by a poor man. As thanks, the tanuki transformed into a wondrous tea pot that always retains perfect boiling temperature. The poor man sells this tea pot to a Buddhist monk but when the monk heats up the tea pot with fire, Shukaku dispels his illusion and runs away. Feeling bad for the poor man, Shukaku goes back to him and comes up with a plan to make the man more money. He transforms into a tea pot once again and walks on a tightrope, much to people's amazement. People pay to see this show and the poor man is poor no longer. 熱湯風呂 is literally "hot water bath" yet the English Touhou wiki translates it as "hot soup bath" even though the kanji for soup is not present. The spell card features Mamizou in a giant chagama (tea pot) that expels steam upwards to attack the opponent. The chagama has a tanuki tail which makes one wonder if Mamizou is using Shukaku himself. 熱湯風呂 is also (probably coincidentally) the name of a game show segment on "THEガンバルマン (THE Ganbaruman)".
>変化「百鬼妖界の門」(Transformation "Youkai World Gate of One Hundred Demons")
百鬼 (hyakki lit. "one hundred demons") is a shortening of 百鬼夜行 (hyakki yagyo lit. "night parade of one hundred demons), a famous motif in Japanese mythology wherein a great amount of youkai march from the supernatural world into the real world. 妖界 literally means "spirit world" but it reads exactly the same as 妖怪 (youkai) due to it being a pun. Thus, the compromise in English is just "youkai world". 門 means gate but it's referencing the tori (鳥居) that Mamizou summons in order for the youkai (tanuki disguised as youkai) to cross. The youkai are described here:
The card references the art style of the many depictions of hyakki yagyos in Japanese scrolls and art pieces.
>変化「二ッ岩家の裁き」(Transformation "Judgement of the Futatsuiwa Clan")
The spell card name and function is a reference to one of Anakaris' moves from Capcom's "Darkstalkers", "Judgment of the Royal Family (王家の裁き)". Anakaris turns the opponent into an animal or other defenseless thing. Similarly, Mamizou does the exact same. The transformations of each character and their meaning can be found here:
>変化「満月の花鳥園」(Transformation "Garden of Flowers and Birds Under the Full Moon")
花鳥園 (kachouen lit. "flower bird garden") are a modern line of zoo-like eco-parks found all over Japan, with the most famous being Kakegawa Kachouen. It has no real relation to Mamizou but the prevalence of birds and flora in the park kind of go with Mamizou's leaves and bird danmaku (which she heavily uses in the spell card). Perhaps ZUN had fond memories of going to one of the kachouen and decided to dedicate a spell card to it. It's specifically under the full moon because tanuki are most active on nights of the full moon, as stated previously.

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