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>> No.16787891 [View]
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Not the anon you're responding to but I'll share how I feel about MA. My character Kai's race is Eulderna and his class is Predator(Traditional Monk/MA class). Renamed the class at character generation to The Breaker for roleplaying reasons but game mechanics wise he's a Predator. My character uses both martial arts and magic to bring an end to his enemies.

Martial Arts imo probably does the most single target damage in the game. However, it starts off weaker than two hand or dual wielding since martial arts damage is tied mostly to the skill while two hand users or dual wielders can just swap out weapons and get better damage dice easier.

It stays weaker than magic, dual wield, and two hand for quite a while too however once you get high enough in MA the tables start to turn. It takes a lot of time for this to begin happening so people who want power fast or don't see themselves playing the long game should not pick up the skill. They'll probably be frustrated but if you're a patient kind of person that is willing to play the long game and grind, martial arts ends up being one if not the best single target damage skill in the game.

Despite the reduced damage multiplier compared to two hand and dual wield, martial arts makes up for it with the highest potential damage dice in the game and a natural pierce of 50%. I've capped my martial arts and tactics for my character and he sits at around 2d255+408 x 151.6. He still has some more strength to gain so it will be slightly better in the future.

So all of that makes martial arts viable however what makes MA go beyond viable to extraordinary is the special actions that are exclusive to it that boosts their damage. Clear Mind and especially Attribute makes Martial Arts lethal.

Clear Mind can up your MA damage and damage multiplier which is shown in the upper right portion of my picture. Attribute allows you to imbue an element to your fists. If you have the elements eyes item you get to choose what element. Attribute works off its own damage formula and what makes it so deadly is that the additional damage you do with attribute is based on the punch before it. Attribute practically echos the punch damage and sometimes can do more if said monster is weak to an element or has little resistance to it. Bottom left of my picture shows attribute in action. In red is my punch damage and in blue is the attribute damage that follows my punches. If you're geared well enough to do 8 attacks with Martial Arts Attribute pretty much acts like you're doing 16 attacks each time you go to strike. Attribute is much stronger than the elemental enchants you can put on weapons since dual wielders and two hand users alike need to deal with weapon enchant limits. I have not seen a weapon maxed out with magic damage reach the numbers attribute can dish out.

The bottom right of my picture shows the kind of damage my character is capable of in delivering in one poke when he has the buffs uncontrollable, hero, attribute, clear mind, and an omega shift core to go practically super saiyan. He does over 20 million damage. 20 million damage is the max HP in the game currently. So as I said, I think martial arts is the strongest single target skill in the game. It does even more damage than the spell meteor to a single target however since meteor does lots of damage to all the enemies on the map magic is probably imo the highest multi target damage type in the game. Since I wield both martial arts and magic I feel like I cover both bases.

Having said that, dual wield and two hand are still very viable attack styles. My pets run those styles because they're viable. If they weren't all my pets would run MA or casting but that's not the case. Of the weaknesses of martial arts, I would say that it is highly dependent on the person's willingness to grind the skill and the fact that it's very gear dependent. To really max out the damage of it you need gear with addtional attack chance. If addtional attack gear is not available, two hand would probably be pretty good because of the extra damage multiplier and dual wield would be in a good position because of the enchants usually found on two blades. Part of the reason why my pets have diversified attack styles is because of gear limitation.

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