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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.23926782 [View]
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Just to be clear since I actually do love Seija and am mostly just tired of Nue/Seija shipping and "Seija is actually noble" posting and stuff like that.

The word amanojaku has the word Heaven in it, but also "evil" and "devil", of course intending to evoke the twisted nature of the creature and probably reference Ama no Sagume, who created them. Seija is evil, but not the worst evil even in Touhou. Seiga exhumes fetuses and uses them in danmaku as well as soul-slaving a corpse, Miko called for the slaughter of untold numbers, Kasen ate hundreds of humans, Byakuren let dangerous youkai go free for her own benefit; "all" Seija wants to do is bother people and make them angry and hateful. Although in myth the amanojaku is one of the most fucked up youkai imaginable, in Touhou the limit for Seija seems to be turning society over and laughing at the chaos that ensues. She would also like to rule Gensokyo, and she IS evil, and there aren't many ways to rule a nation and upset everyone without some form of oppression. She irreverently breaks rules by turning her opponent over in spell card duels, using cheat items, lying and scheming to get power no matter the cost and so on. She's an asshole. Evil and she loves it, but not so reprehensible that she's unlikable.

She's not really "cutesy" or tsundere, she's really just a cunt who's only friends with Shinmyoumaru because Shinmyoumaru also wants to fuck shit up. She broke with Shinmyoumaru before and had no problem with it because she loves being hated. Her sheer audacity is what draws most people to her, and part of that audacity is her "being a fucking asshole" because her rebellions are only a means to the end that is "upsetting everyone and making everyone suffer" and I quote "She likes what people hate, and falls into self-loathing when she makes them happy". Fuck your happiness, eat shit under my heel. This is attractive, especially given how weak she is. Her determination is kickass.

I am absolutely upset by secondaries bullshitting her character since they've been doing it for years at this point. If you don't like Seija please fuck off or go to /u/ or something. She's great because of her actual character, not her fanon fru fru flirts with Nue and is actually a sweetheart shit. If I wanted generic characters I'd go to anything BUT Touhou. I'm sure I'll still have people calling me crazy or telling me to fuck off for this but I know I'm right and I'm sick of the bullshit

>> No.22548262 [View]
File: 391 KB, 1185x1925, CxeFbl8UoAABcFD.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spell cards are supposed to be solvable and accepted by both parties on the condition that they are fair. The ones in ISC counter these rules:
>Combatants will declare the number of named duels before beginning.
>Combatants may not repeat attacks by relying on stamina.
>Combatants may not deliver attacks that do not have meaning.
Though the last is debatable. Also:
>Combatants will write the duel's name on paper in the format of a contract.
Though this one is loose canon at this point, since not all cards are written explicitly, they are just declared a lot of the time. That said "contract" is important, since it's a deal between parties.
The point of ISC is that no one is accepting Seija's conditions because Seija has decided to not play fair herself, by employing items that let her avoid bullets, break her damage limits, and so on. In terms of these rules, the cards she faces are thus "unfair". Though none of them are undodgeable, they aren't meant to be dodgeable at a glance or even a few tries either, they're meant to defeat the opponent and that's that, and canonically Seija seems to consider them undodgeable, because she definitely uses cheats throughout the game.

The whole point of Seija isn't whether she is actually impressive throughout ISC on a "danmaku play" level, the point is that she doesn't care about following the rules herself, and immediately breaks them unprompted in an attempt to have her way, which results in retaliation. She's an antagonist, the antagonist of DDC who is still lingering after her previous defeat. In GoU as well, with Shinmyoumaru's instigation her goal becomes "throw the rules out the window and cause chaos at the event". Seija's irreverence, tenacity, and willingness to go to lengths very obviously scummy are what make her compelling and likable, however I'm pretty sure a lot of amanojaku "fans" don't really understand Seija and think she's just a punk, or just cute, or a prankster, or something.

She's a rebel and a dissenter. Not evil, but not a small-time annoyance either. She wants to rise above her station no matter what, and that's cool. It's cool that she starts ISC by being an asshole, and over the course of the game even though she is flagrantly cheating she still has the gall to think highly of herself because she doesn't care what methods she uses, so long as she can triumph.

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