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>> No.34141579 [SPOILER]  [View]
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>Be Anon, married to a particularly stronk MG.
>Yeah, others might find her a bit intimidating, what with absolutely BRICC stature and forceful nature, but she's always been lovey-dovey with you. And great with the kids.
>The mind-blowing sex and the heartwarming after-cuddles don't hurt neither.
>Ya got a big damned house outside the city. Nice bit of property, too.
>Ya both got decent jobs.
>Lazy weekends off.
>All in all, life is pretty good.
>One little hitch, though.
>...She's fucking terrified of your mom.
>Literally every time she even gets the notion that she's coming to visit, she goes white as a sheet and gets real quiet real quick.
>And when she's actually here? Her usual bluster and bravado goes RIGHT out the damned and she becomes stuttery and extremely jumpy. Doing her level best not to ever look her in the eye, not be in the same room and making sure that you're between the two of them when she is.
>You honestly can't wrap your head around it; Your mom's kinda awesome. She's caring, supported you two through thick and thin, loves the shit out of her grandkids— your living room wall is literally plastered with photographs from all the camping, hunting and theme park trips they've gone on with 'Gran-Gran'— hell, she even got you that job that pays so well. AND put the down payment on the house.
>AND will drop literally everything to babysit at a moments notice. Try finding THAT in this day and age.
>But still, your wife is pants-shittingly scared of her for some reason. No matter how hard your mom tries to make her more comfortable with her.
>...Which usually ends poorly. Because her smile alone is enough to put your wife into trembles and a cold sweat.
>Don't know what that's about either; your mom has a wonderful smile and you're kinda glad your kids inherited it.
>...Ah well, guess it'll always be a mystery.

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