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>> No.46151712 [View]
File: 365 KB, 2177x3031, __kochiya_sanae_moriya_suwako_yasaka_kanako_and_hisou_tensoku_touhou_drawn_by_chamaji__a84eb8ab58b2d054e8ce14f9c5c655dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of all the things Kanako expected, this was the last of them. The cavern they were in was massive, but even then the imposing metal titan in front of her was almost touching the ceiling. It was truly a marvel of engineering, and it was even more impressive that all the kappa were able to all work together on a project like this. Ever now, they busy working. They stood on the scaffolding surrounding the robot working on some details or they worked on components on tables off to the side or were hauling boxes to and fro. Kanako had never seen this many kappa all united and functional on a single goal. Gazing up at the mecha, Kanako knew it looked familiar.

“This is the contraption you build for that festival, isn't it? No, it seems different. What’s this?” Kanako couldn’t couldn’t help but gawk at the giant robot, which as everyone knows is the pinnacle of scientific achievement.

“That was just a giant toy, something to draw eyes to the festival and make money. This is no gimmick. This is the real Hisoutensoku! The embodiment of everything we are capable of, all our hopes and dreams. He is the burning torch that will shine brightly and light the way to the future!” Nitori outstretched her arms, a gleam in her eyes as her voice rose.

“Did Suwako put you up to this again?” Kanako wondered.

“Nope, she didn’t. With everyone here so focused on that brothel we were able to move around and build this right under their noses. Might as get your blessing now, since we’re in the same plot together and you’re getting the munitions we’ve prepared for this project”

“I see. Sanae would love this” Kanako said, still a bit awed from the whole thing,

“Even she wouldn't be able to find any way to improve this! A Nuclear power core! The best armor we can field, most firepower would struggle to even dent it! Rocket boosters that can speed it across Gensokyo in minutes! Heavy laser guns aided by computer tracking! Rocket-powered drills for close range combat! RPG launchers! Surround sound! Heated leather seating! He’s perfect!” Nitori’s voice continued to raise, the gleam in her eyes seeming a bit manic at this point.

“What are you planning to do with this thing for? This is a deadly weapon, and I see no reason for you to you to develop this” Kanako wondered if it was too late to back out on the deal.

“A weapon hurts, it takes away lives for the benefit of the owner. This is a protector of the weak! All these past years has shown how the weak are trampled on! Reimu abused her family and nobody could do a damn thing! Yukari and Kasen are involved in the HSE! Everything seems to be falling apart, and the innocent suffer while the guilty laugh. Well who’s laughing now!” Nitori threw her hands up in the air, and a few heads turned towards her as she shouted. “Hisoutensoku is the uplifter of the weak, the savior of love and justice! If nobody will step in to protect them, then we’ll make a protector! Not just the kappa, but all those who are trampled on by the mighty. It doesn’t matter who you are or how weak you are, as long as you’re pure of heart and mind Hisoutensoku will accept you as his champion! So he’s not a weapon, he’s the future!” Nitori breathed in, adjusting her hair back in place, having come undone due to her wild gesticulations.

Kanako took a while to take it all in. “What’s all this about being pure of heart? If it’s a tool it can be used by anyone, and this kind of power is a lot to hand over to someone”

“Like I said. It’s more then a machine. Not everyone can control him, it seems like you need to be the right sort of person to do to. Focused on protecting without any ulterior motives, from as far as I can tell. Even I don’t know how it fully works. I just get the feeling that there’s someone he’s waiting for, you know?”

Kanako looked up, trying to sense any sort of divine energy. If Nitori was right, then maybe all of the worship and hope of the kappa put some sort of life into it? She could grasp something, but it wasn't anything close to a god. It was almost like a baby’s beating heart, it was weak and early in its life but it could grow into so much more. Well at least she wouldn’t have to deal with a divine sentient mecha anytime soon, although Sanae would love that. “Well I suppose we could check in on this. We’ll see how things develop from here” Kanako said as she turned towards the elevator. It didn't sit well with her, but now wasn't the time to intervene . After the HSE fell then there would be plenty of time to deal with it. Part of wasn’t paying attention anyway, listening in on Aya’s conversation with Suwako and-

Kanako’s face turned bright red when she heard what was being said about her.

>> No.43020785 [View]
File: 365 KB, 2177x3031, __kochiya_sanae_moriya_suwako_yasaka_kanako_and_hisou_tensoku_touhou_drawn_by_chamaji__a84eb8ab58b2d054e8ce14f9c5c655dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wytłumaczy mi ktoś o co chodzi z sanae i mechem?

>> No.20821837 [View]
File: 366 KB, 2177x3031, kanako sanae suwako 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20386423 [View]
File: 323 KB, 2177x3031, The_moriya_family_by_chamaji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the main reason Kanako want to modernism Gensokyo is to just make a giant mech.

>> No.19844221 [View]
File: 323 KB, 2177x3031, f9c5c655dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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