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>> No.40506532 [View]
File: 3.03 MB, 1920x1024, Elfen Lied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a house, I go outside and hear bombing happening in the distance. I go back inside and hide in the master bedroom, where my mother and aunt were. Jumping off a couple of steps, I'd float in the air for a couple of seconds, but since those two were so annoying I left. Going outside, I see a woman in a blue dress, I call out "Seiga!" but she doesn't respond so I figured I was mistaken. Then I see the actual Seiga, I call out "Seiga! Seiga!" while flashing a V at her, and she flashes a V back. I fly around, end up in a little town, go into a room with a couple Indian guys called themselves masters. I told them to get the fuck out, die, or have sex with each other. Later I receive a text, a photo of their faces with cum around their mouths while they were saying "We're the masters!" I thought it maybe meant that Naster was fucked for fucking with me. I receive a notice treating me like I'm Lord, telling me I could cancel 10 shows from a huge variety of broadcasting stations. I'm walking outside a theatre and see a poster for Elfen Lied, I thought "Awesome! Elfen Lied in cinema!" I immediately try to no-clip through the walls into the cinema, nearly phasing through the wall while hearing PSN menu music, but give up because it's difficult. Walking around, coming across people unveiling Zelda who was contained in a large treasure chest. They open it, there's a gory red thing inside, which I jump in and hug, saying "Zelda! Zelda!" happily. Then I just leave. As I'm walking away, I hear remembered something saying I could make 3 wishes with her, so I started running back. I come upon three guys standing around her, and she looks like she's been tampered with. I say "What the fuck are you doing!?" they smugly lie that they weren't doing anything, so I grab Zelda and say "Instant death! Curse statues! Curse statues!" as the three of them crystalise into statues. One other guy there falls on his ass scared shitless, saying "H-hey! I didn't do anything! They made fun of me too!" but I ignored him, leaving with Zelda. Looking at her, I notice she's a little bloody Ceadeus, with the larger horn sawn off part way because of those faggots. I make my other two wishes, "I wish to go to the moon with Yukari" and "When that time comes, may her corruption be reversed and forgotten." I flew up into the sky, then landed elsewhere, transforming Zelda into a crimson katana to keep her safe in the dark red ripple-patterned sheath at my waist. The red jeweled blade's tip broke off, because of her corruption. Then I was Itoshiki Nozumu in a cell, with Rin bringing me food, saying she brings me my (lumaconi)pasta, she doesn't like letting me cook it myself because I eat it with literal snails in the pasta because I like to act French.

At a dinner date at a fancy restaurant with Yukari. She looked like Kaguya, and there was three of her, child, teen, adult. After we finished and got up, I said "You're eternally beautiful."

Playing a Touhou game, the 6th stage midboss was Sanae, who was impossibly hard, I spammed all my bombs but she took all my lives.

I saw Lisa up on a ridge talking like she was defending me, watching from below was Yukari, who said to Shinki "Kill her", but she ignored it. Close by, Homer was driving up a mountain in a truck with a trailer full of trash that he swerved to fling down the mountain. Shinki appeared there and held her arm forth, causing the trash to be distributed outwards, which seemed to represent glowies distributing my dreams for me. Saw a couple of bikees talking, one of them saying he saw Homer, though he looked pale white and glowing, running through a junkyard to take the truck. He said he was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.

Fighting a grub boss, killing maggots, picking up ammo, don't remember well. Afterwards I'm standing with Yukari, she talks shit about some people, calling them McDonalds employees. I love it so much, I think "Yes! Salty Yukari! I love it!" I tried to hug her, but I actually grabbed a hanging extension cord instead. I saw my Yukari figure, maybe her head was off, or otherwise she was wrong.

I was setting up the Yukari figure in a backroom, thinking it's like her grave. One of my dad's friends comes in, saying "What is that?" I say "She's my wife" He looks at her for a few seconds, then says "Are you man enough for her?" I say "If I was this wouldn't have happened."

There's a lady saying it's not over for me, I need more fire element, actively creating, at least a little each day, whereas going with the flow and doing nothing is water. I thought about what earth is, figuring "beats, percussion" and air is thinking a lot.

Come across Dark Magician Girl in front of a little crowd. I gave her half my corrupted Yukari fumo for her to cast magic on, but she turned it into a Yu-gi-oh! card. I complained, giving it back along with the other half, she transformed it again, into an image of me and Yukari working at a bar, both wearing cowprint naked tabard.

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