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>> No.39586433 [View]
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Miyao looked down, and sighed. "Well, fine. Just hurry up, though."
The man nodded, and led him to a car. They drove for a while, and eventually arrived at a large military base. Several armored cars were lined up in front of the base.
"This is where you'll be staying. Now, please follow me."
Miyao walked into the base and followed the man inside. They passed several soldiers and a group of scientists. At the end of the hallway, they reached a large room with a long table.
Several people were sitting at the table, wearing suits and military uniforms. Two of them stood up when the man entered. One was a woman in her mid-40s. The other was an older gentleman. Both had graying hair, and wore glasses.
The man introduced Miyao to the two. "This is Miyao Mitake. He's an AOU gauntlet knight, and one of the leaders of the Order of the Public Bath. We've been negotiating with him since yesterday."
The woman spoke first. "So you're the famous Miyao Mitake. You've garnered quite a bit of attention, so we've prepared a proper briefing room for you. Please sit here."
She motioned to a chair at the head of the table. Miyao sat down, and the man turned to the old gentleman.
"Now, Miyao. First, what is your opinion regarding the incident that happened a week ago?"
Miyao frowned. "My opinion...? You want my goddamn opinion!? How am I supposed to answer that!? My dad forced me to kill Lingji. And all I could do was watch her die. ...Do you have any idea what that feels like!? And for what...? So some god damn bureaucrat can get another fancy medal of honor and gloat to his buddies about it!? You tell me... I don't even know. Where the hell is he? Where is my dad!? Why isn't he here!?"
The old man spoke softly. "Calm yourself."
Miyao glared at the old man, and shouted, "Don't tell me to calm myself! This is MY problem, not yours! I'm the one who has to deal with the fact that my ally is dead! YOU'RE the ones who decided to use me as a pawn in this stupid war, and then abandoned me! All you care about is your stupid medals and your little power trip! So let me ask you... why should I care about your opinions!? You're the ones who decided to use me! So just leave me alone!"
Everyone in the room was silent.
"Alright, alright," the old man said calmly. "Let's calm ourselves down a little. Miyao, we won't force you to answer our questions if you don't want to. But we want to hear your opinion. Please speak freely."
Miyao paused for a minute, and then started to speak. "Look, I don't know what the hell you guys want to hear. I don't care what you think. I don't care about the war. I don't care about you. I just want to find my dad. If I could kill everyone involved with this whole mess, I would."
There was silence in the room.
"We understand what you're feeling," said the woman. "But we ask that you please try to refrain from making such violent statements, at least until we're finished with our discussion."
Miyao narrowed his eyes, and yelled. "Why should I listen to you?! You're the ones who sent Lingji and me into a war that we knew nothing about! And now that it's over, you just left us behind! You turned your backs on us! How could you do that to us!? Huh!? How could you!? Do you have any idea what it's like to lose your friend? To lose anyone!? I lost my best friend, and all you do is sit there and lecture me!? No, wait. It's more accurate to say that you're lecturing ME! I'm the one who has to live with this pain every day! I'm the one who has to carry this burden! So stop treating me like some kid! Stop looking down on me! I may be young, but I'm still a human being. Don't treat me like an animal just because I happen to have a child's brain!"

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