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>> No.3628203 [View]
File: 84 KB, 339x470, intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copypasta + editing short review of Aoishiro because I feel like it.

Genre: shoujo-ai/mystery/occult/fantasy/action
Length: 5-7 hours per route, totaling around 25-30 hours
Pros: most of the elements are seriously designed: art, music, voice acting, directing, mystery and buildup resulting in a scenario with complex but natural branching
Cons: huge size (5.31GB zipped, 7.24GB extracted ready to patch), sub-par translation (comparable to MG's Kira Kira), untranslated menus and dictionary, almost all of the 56 endings including the grand route final are rushed or doesn't wrap the storyline well
Best character: Momoko-chan
Recommended configuration: Image quality high, disable 'Match the monitor rate' for speed boost and unlagging video

A comparison would be Ever17 without the final redeeming ending. Beginning to mid-game is great but if you're looking for conclusive or amazing bawfest or mindfuck ending you better off not wasting your time for this. I still don't regret playing though. Feels good to check it out myself instead of listening to egs rating bitchfight.

PS: Tsubaki's spirit is voiced by same VA as Kira Kira's Chie.

>> No.3450269 [View]
File: 84 KB, 339x470, intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoishiro isn't eroge, but still Japanese VN duet songs from known singers: Rita and Haruka Shimotsuki.

OP - Yami no Kanata ni

ED (can't find the youtube so I'll just up the mp3)

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