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>> No.16241211 [View]
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"Reimu! Marisa is going out on mister hunt!"
"Yun! Do your best, Marisa!"

The two yukkuri shared one happy glance at each other, and then turned their own ways. Marisa left to hunt and Reimu went inside to the back of the nest they were raising their little ones in.

As soon as Marisa could tell Reimu was gone, her face contorted into a smirk.

"Very well, what about today's mister 'hunt', ze..."

So saying, Marisa soon enough found herself in the company of another Yukkuri, a Myon type.

"Myon! Take it easy ze!"
"Take it easy! You came to see myon?"
"Yes... Marisa is... ze..."

Marisa was suddenly sweating. Her eyebrows slid down, forming a shifty formation.

"Again, myon?"
"Yes... ze..."

That being said, Myon turned herself around, but was surprised by the words coming from Marisa.

"N-no... not *that* for today, ze..."
"M-Marisa... wants..."

Myon shook her head which was her body confusedly.

"Don't Marisa and Myon share secret refreshing times, myon?"
"Yes... but today... Marisa..."

Marisa lustfully eyed the Hokurouken in Myon's mouth. Most absolutely, that was a sword worthy of the Holy Sword Excalibur. The dazzling light emmited by the wooden stick in Myon's mouth ensnared the yukkuri much like the magic of mister Kotatsu and she could no longer hope to flee from it.

"Why don't Marisa go see Alice if that's what she wants?", Myon replied.
"No! Alice has no limits, she's a mister raper!"
"So, what does Marisa want from Myon?"
"Ma... Marisa is..."
"Yes, myon?"

Marisa swallowed hard. She turned around.

"Marisa wants... Myon to utterly ravish her lewd mister hip that captivates her family like a bear trap springing being released in the sky!"

So saying, she began to wiggle her bottom. Myon blushed and spat out her Hokurouken. Marisa can see she is serious.

"So... what will Myon give darling Marisa?"
"What will Myon give darling Marisa?"

That being said, Myon's penipeni burst gloriously from her mamumamu that is her penipeni and she began to thrust into Marisa vibrantly.


Big daddy Marisa cared over her wife, Reimu, and her three children - a Marisa like herself, a Reimu, and a wasa Reimu. However, that was merely the cards dealt to her by fate. What Marisa always wanted was to become a bride herself - to care for her own offspring gloriously launched from her mamumamu, or perhaps dropped from the high high of her forehead mister stalk. That, though, would be a dream forever unfulfilled. Marisa tried to mate with many Yukkuri from the herd. She went out with Alice, Ran, Yukari, Yoshika, Utsuho, Chen, even Patchouli - and after a Patchouli, a thugh-ish Deibu well known for her raping prowess - and begged for their sperm-sperm to fill her womb-womb, but however it was always for naught.

Big daddy Marisa's own daddy Marisa presided over the herd, and managed to avoid having her child turned into the ideal refreshing slave for the village. Impotent Yukkuri are rare to come by and she would sure be extensively exploited. However, Daddy Marisa The Eldest had conditions to preserve Marisa's life.

"Give up this foolish dream of being a wife and marry the Reimu next door, ze! Otherwise we will cast you out of the herd and you will become a pet yukkuri of a Mr. Neet!"

These words filled Marisa with dread. She didn't even know what Mr. NEET was, but it could only be calamitous.

So saying, Daddy Marisa The Eldest's advice was followed. Marisa married the Reimu next door and moved out to a nearby nest from where Daddy Marisa The Eldest lived. That being said, Daddy Marisa The Eldest hit the end of her yu-life as soon as Reimu became pregnant with Marisa's seed. Marisa tearfully recounted the beautiful occasion of her successful rub-rub until Reimu became pregnant to the remains of Daddy Marisa The Eldest, and nary a soul in the village doubted the hair leaked tears of its own hearing the tale.

That being said, uneasiness easily crept into Marisa and Reimu's life after Daddy Marisa The Eldest's passing. Reimu couldn't refresh with Marisa because of her pregnancy, and Marisa could feel it into her yu-guts she could become a mother now that she was an adult - she was probably merely a late bloomer. However, Reimu handwaved Marisa's wishes, calling her a yu-deviant.

"Everybody knows Marisa types are fathers and impregnators, not the impregnated! Understand it easy!"
"B-but Reimu, Marisa..."
"Marisa should hunt so we have enough food for the coming winter when the little ones are born! Right now is fine!"
"R-right, ze..."

So saying, Marisa went out to hunt but noticed the Myon next door watching her fornlornly. She shrugged it off with her shoulders that do not exist and soldiered on to find food. However, Myon easily and slowly followed Marisa as she did Mister Hunt and eventually cornered her, revealing to her she heard everything.

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