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>> No.46772882 [View]
File: 145 KB, 850x1202, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_nodoguro_phi_tan__sample-7ecf516dbcfead948a01ba5351efb355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

「This is Baba Yaga little Koishi!」Aya instantly interjected. 「She's a western Youkai Witch that's recently arrived in Gensokyo, she's rather reclusive though, so give her some space alright?」

「Bob Yoga?」The green-haired girl asked, tilting her head.「That sounds like a made-up name.」

Despite Aya's impressive ad-hoc performance, this girl didn't seem convinced in the slightest. In fact, It's almost like that wide-eye smile was static on her face. This wasn't good, the other conversations were dying down, I'll get caught at this rate!

With all the acting chops I had and all the phlegm I could summon in my throat, I shakily raised a single finger to the girl, gently pressed her nose, and said: "It's Baba Yaga, to you young lady! Dbajte na svoje správanie! or I'll stick you in my next stew!". I prayed the combination of two foreign languages would be convincing enough.

「Baba Yaga?」She tilted her head to the other side.「Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga! Baba Yaga!!! 」She began to repeat happily, flapping her sleeves around like an excited bird.

「Putting the excited Satori aside, what's to be done about this rumored man anyway?」Aya asked, seemingly trying to change the subject. 「It'll be a problem for us if Reimu gets more aggressive, but removing the suitor might cause more problems.」

「Eh? Like what?」The goat asked brutishly.

「Many Youkai-slaying legends start with the death of the hero's loved one.」Aya stated. The Conversation went dour after that comment, then looped back around to the same sounding arguments, before long the group dispersed with nothing decided. Koishi, the green-haired one, lingered around me for a bit and at one point I think she was floating above me, but after one last look into my eyes she also disappeared from the clearing.

「Hahhh, that was a close one.」Aya sighed, rubbing her neck.「Some of them probably picked up on it, but they don't know you're Reimu's new squeeze, so count yourself lucky.」

I raised my eyebrows at the mention of Reimu's name.「The frilly arm band's a dead giveaway you know? Kind of like she's writing her name on a lunchbox, maybe she wants people who see past the charm to also know they'll be dealing with her personally.」She shrugged. 「Well whatever, I've got an article to write, but don't think I wont be seeing you later.」Aya commented before pulling a feather out of one of her wings and sticking it to the inside of my shirt.

「Keep that close so I can find you later okay? If you throw it away, you'll find a hundred more stuffed down your throat when you wake up!」She said with a wink before flying off.

She forgot her cloak.


「And what exactly took you so long?」Reimu asked, angerly tapping her foot.

Slowly I gave her the leaflet that I'd used to find the Youkai meeting place, which she quickly took, looked over, and then tore to shreds. 「When I said not to do anything weird, following the directions on a Youkai leaflet definitely qualifies! Did you spend all afternoon searching for it huh? What if one of them found you?」

I didn't want to lie to her, but her that strained, angry expression almost made me wish I had, it would've made it easier. Ah! What if I could tell her that I wasn't in any real danger? That Tengu seemed rather nice after all, so I showed her the feather she had given me, surely as a Shrine Maiden she knew about more friendly Youkai as well!

「What are giving me now? A little souvenir? I know you like birds, but a crow feather is just... wait. 」She said, snatching the item from my hand and looking closer. Suddenly her expression went blank and slowly, almost mechanically she looked up and locked eyes with me. 「Listen, I won't be mad, but you need to tell me right now if this is from Aya. 」I nodded at the familiar name.

Reimu closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. I wasn't quite sure why, but I felt my body brace as if I was about to trip and fall. But nothing like that happened, instead, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. 「Oh, I see. It wasn't your fault then, that meddlesome crow just lead you a little astray hmm? Well, that makes sense. After all, you wouldn't break the promise you made to me so easily right?」

「Hai...」I'm not entirely sure, but seems I was forgiven? Somehow I don't feel entirely relieved.

「Right! So no reason to dwell on silly little things like that.」 She clapped. 「I've been preparing something good for dinner tonight, so you can look forward to it! Oh but, make sure you take off your clothes. We'll have to burn them since once that fowl Youkai scent gets into something, you can't get it out you know? Don't worry, I stitched together some of the old shrine garments just for you! I think you'll look good in red and white.」

That evening Reimu didn't let me leave her side all the way up until bedtime. It made me feel guilty that'd worried her once again and the way all those Youkai talked about her, I guess she has it rough. Tomorrow I should see if there's any way I can support her more.

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