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2/28 A bird's-eye view of the relay

- Episode 7 involved a relay race with friends running around a fairly massive track. At some point someone noticed that friends seem to appear and reappear at places where they really shouldn't be given that it took some of the fastest friends around much longer to travel between those same points at their top speeds. And so うp takes it upon himself to draw a bird's-eye map of the track itself so we can figure out just precisely where everybody is at any given time. Notice all the friends casually making their way back to the starting point just so they're available to shoot the shit with Kyururu when their scene comes and what might be termed, well, ~highly variable~ speeds when the episode calls for it including a twelve second TRIPLE TIME DASH of everybody including Kyururu to where they need to be for the next scene.

- Incidentally, this video is somewhat accessible even if you don't know Japanese because the absurdity of it is plainly self-evident. If you do that counts then doubly so, it's amazing how reasonable the voice work seems on its own.

2/28 Collected scenes of G. Roadrunner who is now brown-nosing shitbird

- The collected scenes of G. Roadrunner from Episode 7. Everybody likes her. In fact she is probably the first friend in the entire second season who everybody likes, which given that the season is seven episodes at this point is fairly mindblowing. She got nicknamed "brown-nosing shitbird" based on a nonsense comic where characters try to guess where the G. in G. Roadrunner comes from (spoilers: it's "greater") and Kaban-san guesses "gomasuri kusobad" which everybody decided was a great nickname because she really is just a little bit shitheaded. Everybody loves her anyway.

And that's it for February. You might think that things have gotten pretty ugly already, but compared to everything that comes after this all the criticism up until now has been positively lighthearted. It's sometime in March that people really start trying to launch cruise missiles in the general direction of corporate headquarters and the plot takes some turns that makes everything that's happened up until now look completely benign. The pace also accelerates from here on out, too - I covered seven videos with 400+ ML in one week just now, but by the time we get to episodes 9 and 12 people even after filtering by the criteria I've been using here you're looking like ten in one day. Hopefully I survive until then; that's all for today.

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