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>> No.7226194 [View]
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>> No.7046217 [View]
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She'll always be a member of the Eientei crew in my Gensokyo

>> No.5226214 [View]
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How about love for a real unpopular character.

>> No.4901502 [View]
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She'll always be a part of Eientei in my Gensokyo...

>> No.2133467 [View]
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We'll never see you again in any real Touhou game, but that's ok Medicine, it's for the better.

>> No.986672 [View]
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It's not that hard to work out really. Medicine is a doll youkai that specialises in poison, Eirin in a Lunarian that specialises in drugs. Medicine lives in a field full of potent poisonous flowers and Eirin wanted samples of some of them.

I like Medicine, it's a shame she's not going to be around too much, but I can't complain too much, she got to be in Shoot the Bullet as a rather annoying boss with a interesting mechanic.

>> No.753643 [View]
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Medicine isn't forgotten, she got a mention in Perfect Memento and appeared as a boss in Shoot the Bullet but doesn't really fit in with common appearances.

She's also one of my favourite side characters. It would be a shame if they never do anything with her and Alice. Even if it's just a passing mention that the two fought. Gensokyo isn't such a large place that she'll never at least hear rumours about them from humans.

>> No.332182 [View]
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It's ok, Medicine as ties in the drugs trade now. So she shouldn't have to worry about that doll freak giving her trouble.

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