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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.15116309 [View]
File: 81 KB, 848x480, [gg]_Zan_Sayonara_Zetsubou_sensei_-_02_[DB36C966].mkv_snapshot_02.33_[2013.06.17_20.30.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hardly even use weeaboo anymore, now it's just weeb. Weeb is used to refer to anyone who likes anything Japanese, and weebshit means anything that is Japanese or related to Japan. The original meaning has been lost, and it's very rare to find people who know what it is. It's possible that most people no longer even know that weeb is short for weeaboo.

4chan is today in a state of mass hysteria over "weebs" and "weebshit." Anyone who's even vaguely positive towards anything Japanese is a weeb, and anything Japanese is weebshit that must be resisted until the bitter end. There doesn't seem to be any thought behind it and nobody, as far as I know, has ever given any explanation for this hysteria. They can't even explain what they mean by weeb.

Words, phrases and ideas spread easily on 4chan, but either quickly lose their meaning and become just things to repeat, or have their meaning diluted and corrupted. People develop pavlovian responses and say things without understanding what they mean by them, or say things because other people are saying them.

This isn't limited to 4chan, but 4chan makes it worse because everyone is anonymous. Posts seem much more authoritative and indicative of popular opinion than they would on a forum where you know who's who. And because many people come to 4chan, they take all the garbage here with them to other communities.

That's just a stereotype of otaku, and is now probably more common in the West than it is in Japan.

Anime and cartoons actually are different, so that one doesn't belong on the list. It's like calling Civilization an arcade game.

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