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>> No.44852394 [View]
File: 1.12 MB, 3541x2507, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_kozakura_dictionary__d1d78a04696fa3605742137dd2de46c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the shrine maiden’s own bullet couldn’t put her out of commission. She’s always been able to stand up for another round and it seems like now was no exception. If Aya flew away, Reimu would just catch up to her. She briefly considered hiding in one of the village’s buildings, but a youkai running from the protector of humanity probably wouldn’t gain her much sympathy. There was only one place she knew Reimu couldn’t follow her.

Diving past the stunned abuser, Aya flew into the Hakurei Shrine Experience for the second time in her life. The kitsune attendant, dutiful and disapproving as ever, simply gave the tengu a cold glance. How far into this place did she need to go? Could she stick around the stalls or hide in the costume closet? Would she have to go all the way to Anon’s room? Explaining why she was out-of-breath to her assailant’s husband would be humiliating, but it beat dying.

A fierce knock came on the door. Well, less of knock and more of a brutal pounding. The reporter was standing at the reception desk in awe as the wooden door stood completely immobile while the disgruntled wife on the other side beat it like she was married to it. Aya couldn’t understand what kind of magic could possibly hold back Reimu, but it was better than nothing. Insults like “GET OUT HERE YOU BITCH!” and “I’LL SEND YOU TO STRAIGHT TO HELL YOU SLUTTY CROW!” joined the banging to make the perfect song for Reimu’s anger. She was at it for a minute straight until another voice suddenly joined in and silenced her.

“Oh? And who do you think you’re going to meet saying such cruel things?” The second voice sent chills up Aya’s spine. That was definitely Yukari. Sage of Gensokyo, Reimu’s benefactor, owner of the HSE and the second woman to own Anon. Looking over to Ran, she simply had a tired expression on her face as if this was simply another part of the work day. Reimu was still shouting at Yukari, but they were moving away from the door and becoming indistinct. After a few minutes, everything fell silent. The shikigami simply returned to the records on her desk. Daring to see if the coast was finally clear, Aya started towards the door. Before she made step one, reality ripped apart in front of her.

It was a dark rift, inhabited by disembodied eyes and fringed by flowing ribbons. The so-called “gap” the dangerous youkai bent the rules of nature with. Stepping through without a care for the abominable space she emerged from, Yukari towered over the tengu. Her face held a wide, toothy grin that revealed just how much power and control she had over the situation. Nothing was in her way, not even the shrine maiden, and she enjoyed it. “That silly little girl has run home. She won’t be causing any more trouble for you today. Honestly, starting a fight in front of my own establishment. Such a thing would cause business to sour!” Even though her words were innocent, Aya could feel the cruelty behind them.

“Thank you, Lady Yakumo, for protecting me…” Her own feelings regarding the situation meant nothing right now. Yukari had just driven off an incredibly pissed-off Reimu and could do any number of things to the reporter if she slipped up once. The oppressive aura radiating from her was nothing she had ever felt from the youkai before. It was a feeling comparable to every wolf tengu in Gensokyo surrounding a hare, waiting to pounce.

“It was no trouble. After all, it pays to help out a benefactor of the business who writes such glowing reviews. When you’re ready to visit again, Ran here will let you in for free. I know you’ll enjoy it since ‘I can say that Anon does not disappoint’ anyone, especially a reporter like you.”

She quoted tomorrow’s Bunbunmaru directly. Aya wasn’t even sure if it finished printing yet. Nevertheless, she heard the message loud and clear: Keep writing positive articles or you won’t be writing anything at all. She had to wonder if the daitengu were connected to the HSE or if Yukari interrogated the printers themselves. “Th-Thank you very much. I think I’ll go home, I’ve… got a bad cramp now!” Any excuse would do to get away from Yukari as soon as possible.

“Of course you do. Run along now, and make sure to tell all your friends about the excellent services we provide.” The matter dealt with and her message delivered, Yukari stepped back into her horrifying void and simply disappeared. Ran’s expression barely hid her contempt, but Aya couldn’t tell who it was directed at. Taking this as her cue, the tengu flew back home, thoughts of Anon in the back of her mind. She would have to wait another day to apologize to him. She felt sick not being strong enough to defend him from Reimu or smart enough to rescue him from Yukari. The gap youkai would probably push Aya deep into her pocket until there was no way out.

At least she didn’t lie. Her lower belly really did start cramping.

(Part 15)

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