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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.21729330 [View]
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not going to wait on getting another response anymore desu this is too pointless
you just assumed for no reason whatsoever that i believe that people should avoid anki just because i argued with you about your shitty time-wasting card format
you cannot simultaneously argue that doing a 10k card deck will let you "figure out how to speak nip after all that" while also admitting that anki will not cause you to learn japanese
you're rehashing age-old arguments that have long been settled without realizing it because you're new here and lack foundational community wisdom that most everyone else here has
you're making silly assumptions about how the learning process because you're at such an early point in the learning process and you have no idea how limited and insignificant your perspective is
you're making senseless analogies and repeatedly leaning on points of no practical consequence because you care more about your ideas than sorting out the bigger picture

you have the conversational comprehension and emotional stability of a sheltered 16 year old
i have no more interest in conversing with you

this argument is about card formats, if you are not arguing about card formats then you have no place in this conversation

>> No.21056537 [View]
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Mattposting day in, day out, every single hour of every single thread. You're never going to learn Japanese this way, you fucks, even if you DO have some kind of unnatural obsession with a random JSL with a shitty accent. Get the fuck out of here and consume Japanese. I know you're not because you're here literally all the fucking time. You are responsible for every single mistake resulting from your misapplication of your personal agency, and that includes all the time you waste away here not getting better at Japanese. No, listening to anime or dramas in the background is not getting better at Japanese. No, finishing your Anki reps for the day and shitposting on DJT for the next eight hours is not getting better at Japanese. The only way you're actually going to get any better at Japanese is by reading and listening to Japanese. The more the better. Any time you spend arguing about pointless crap here on DJT is time you spend either not learning Japanese or not getting your shambled life together so you can do something with Japanese once you know it. Get the fuck over your obsession with forcing people who don't know you and know nothing about you to hear your nonsensical dribble. Or are you THAT desperate for confirmation that you found the right golden lamb, but not desperate enough to give him 10 bucks a month so you can actually talk in his discord instead of just seeing the chatlogs go by? Jesus christ, get the fuck over it already. It doesn't matter. Nothing about DJT or Matt matters. None of the arguments you're having here matter. Nothing that you say about Japanese when you can't even describe the flavor of your own breakfast matters. None of the validation you get from other people who bought into the same bullshit matters. Get the fuck out of here and learn Japanese.

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