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>> No.7128607 [View]
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Well then... It would depend on whether you worded it as a challenge.

>> No.6782075 [View]
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>> No.6703238 [View]
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Sources differ on whether oni ever bathe, except perhaps recreationally.

>> No.6410454 [View]
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Yuugi. Why have shame when you're that damn fit?

>> No.6366222 [View]
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But for now, let's warm ourselves next to Yuugi's furnace-like breath.

Parsee unrelated?

>> No.6349616 [View]
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The only other one I know is in common use is the /u/ formula.

Tall girl + short girl = lesbians!

>> No.5278219 [View]
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>> No.5059324 [View]
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I'd never thought I'd see the word "shampoo" mentioned in the context of subterranean oni.

>> No.4939556 [View]
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Oni rarely bathe, so need some strong solvent when they do.

Water won't always cut it. Need alcohol.

>> No.4625798 [View]
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Finished test. Hands hurt like hell. Celebrated/cured with ale.

>> No.4542392 [View]
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Kill it before it takes root.
Prime and fire anything hygienic.

>> No.4298810 [View]
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Unclear. From what I gather, oni can be considered either youkai, a subset of youkai, or a distinct mythical species of their own, all depending on which part of the spectrum the oni in question belongs to. Ancient interpretations of oni, Heian and older, tend to fall in between youkai and kami, being more spiritual beings than physical. Oni from the late Sengoku era are on the other hand considered nearly entirely physical creatures, more similar to Western ogres than demons.
Keep in mind though, these concepts are not always mutually exclusive.


Oni rarely bathe and are known not to smell very good, but presumably they should be quite clean - bordering on sterile - with their high alcohol content.
Don't know the details, sorry. Tend to skip the parts that discuss anything coming out of a person's ass in any greater detail.

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