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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9632864 [View]
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I stopped fapping a good 2 months ago because I wanted to stop wasting my NEET time, but a couple hours ago I was daydreaming about being in a museum and there was a video where they were showing dinosaurs having intercourse and for some fucked up reason I got aroused and made a mess in my boxer briefs.

I woke up and just laughed at how screwed up it was. It also feels like I failed at the one task I gave myself and am completely worthless now, even though I figured it would happen against my will at some point.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.9617381 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why do I keep getting banned for shitposting?

>> No.9566664 [View]
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I wish a cute 2D character had strong enough feelings to make something like that for me.

Am I a loser, /jp/?

>> No.9534971 [DELETED]  [View]
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>be applying for bartending jobs
>months go by no call backs, no interviews
>one day get call
>"hello is this Anon? would you like to come down for interview next Tuesday?"
>"I would love too."
>this morning wake up super early
>shave, shower, lucky boxers ready to get this job
>arrive at destination, have to wait nearly 30 before guy shows up
>other guy shows up for same interview because boss man is taking his fucking sweet time, huge rube, got this in the bag (i'm a decent at interviews)
>boss man finally shows up, no apology. "Well Anon follow me." (we walk into office)
>"so tell me aobut yourself." I then hand him my resume
>"Well umm,"
>spaghetti fucking everywhere!
>boss man cuts me off, "well I don't want to waist your time, so i'm just going to tell you now. that was the worst interview I have ever seen."
>hands me back my resume
>i mumble"t-thanks for your time" walk out

>"worst interview i have ever seen"

Anyone else ever fuck up so bad in an interview?

>> No.9478069 [DELETED]  [View]
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Cross-boarders, please go.
I want my /jp/ back.

>> No.9452307 [View]
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>Connection error or you are banned
>Connection error or you are banned
>Connection error or you are banned
>Connection error or you are banned
>Connection error or you are banned

>Post finally goes through
>It's a thread instead of a reply

>> No.9435350 [DELETED]  [View]
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Onegai, /jp/.


>> No.9422110 [View]
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rip in pieces, accel anon

>> No.9419220 [View]
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Fuck the world.

>> No.9412920 [View]
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mfw tfw

>> No.9407237 [View]
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No, I'm angry and depressed.

My last 24 years were all a lie. I feel like I should just kill myself now.

The dream is over.

>> No.9393689 [View]
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I know.

Please don't beat me up, "kudasai".

>> No.9392764 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Beat the shit out of a /jp/sie.
>Suddenly *I'M* the asshole here.

Fucking bullshit, man.

>> No.9382903 [View]
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Please forgive me, I know not what I do
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you
Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me, if I need you like I do
Please believe me, every word I say is true
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you

>> No.9376310 [View]
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Look what you did, OP.

You're an ass.

>> No.9374615 [View]
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I think your dubs finally killed eagleman.

>> No.9369263 [View]
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>> No.9358804 [View]
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24, took me five years to get a useless degree. No job experience, no license, no car, just a piece of paper worth shit and $22k in debt after 5 years.

I'm moving in with my parents at the end of the month and they're telling me I can't do anything on Sabbath and forcing me to get a job and study for a master's degree program.

I'm hoping the plane crashes on the way there and I go out a martyr rather than a loser.

>> No.9353395 [View]
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Somwhere between that setting sun
I'm on fire and born to run

>> No.9344273 [View]
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Replace hospital bills with student loans and that's me.

>> No.9313917 [View]
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Ever since I forgot my ID and made a new account tenhou has done nothing but give me complete shit hands. My old ID had an 1820 rating and my new account is 1380.

This system is rigged.

>> No.9312632 [View]
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How will I know him?
When I look in my father's eyes.

>> No.9300534 [View]
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Where are all my fellow shitposters?

There's hardly any shit threads on the front page. I don't get it. Did they all leave me behind without saying anything?

>> No.9293334 [View]
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onegai respond


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