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>> No.2993177 [View]
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It had been a week since the koyukkuri had fallen off its stalk, and it had grown significantly on its diet of sweetened vegetables and fruit. It seemed to have learnt toilet manners and was getting along nicely. Having finished making my recordings, I prepare for stage two.

The next stage is a bit risky, and I am slightly apprehensive of accidentally killing the koyukkuri. I hadn’t really gotten attached to it yet, but it’d be a pain to have to bring up a new one all the way from birth again.
”Hey Reimu! Come here to mister!” It jumps happily into my hand and I throw it into the air, catching it as it falls.
”It feels like flying in the sky!” The burbling is quite cute, I admit. “Reimu, would you like a sister?”
”Yu? Reimu would love a sish!” I laugh, and tell it to take it easy.

When it sleeps that night, I turn the device up to full power and give it a full three-second jolt. The yukkuri is barely awake, but blacks out almost instantly due to the pain. I prepare my tools quickly and take it to the surgery desk. I had already dissected a number of Reimu yukkuris earlier, and their parts lie on the table already.

One quick stroke with the scalpel cuts it in two, the beanpaste core separating nicely as it goes. Quickly, I add more paste filling to each of the separated sides, and put a new yukkuri eye on both of the paste sides. Then, lifting it up carefully, I baste the new bean paste with sugar water and carefully drape the thin sugary wrapping of another yukkuri over the surface, suturing and patching the skin to make it fit (cutting a hole for the new eye to see through). A bit of moulding makes the new bean paste more rounded and I dump the first half into the supersaturated sugar solution while dealing with the next one. Hair is a bit of a problem, but I manage to stick on some of another Reimu’s hair onto both of them.

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