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>> No.42897274 [View]
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Only secondaries hate Ciel.

Arcuied and Shiki's relationship is a simple one, being of mutual lust and attraction and isn't a perfect as they fight, argue, and have a lions share of misunderstandings and disagreements throughout her route. Arcueid while naive doesn't fully trust Shiki and more than once calls him a monster early on and gets irritated when he's reluctant to jump into action with her even going as far as to threaten his and his family's life if he doesn't accept working with her and Shiki struggles with his growing attraction to Arcueid, treating her far more cruelly than most characters(san Arihiko) until he comes to terms with those feelings and Arc getting influenced by Shiki's humanity and growing protective of him realizing his fragility but they grow to trust and love one another throughout the course of the route and their parting scene is genuinely one of the best written scenes I've read. With Ciel they're more equal and mutually tease one and flirt with one another Ciel is investigating and watching Shiki to see if he's Roa and when the revelation is revealed a lot of details of their interactions early in the route become more sorrowful up until their fight in the hallway where Shiki's willing to let Ciel kill him but refuses to die hating her even if everything up until that point between them might have been a lie. There's also the aspect of Shiki (surface level) normalcy is something Ciel wanted but could never have because of Roa's possessing her ruining her life and any semblance of normal happiness she could of had.

Ciel's route has legitimately some of the best scenes in the VN -Shiki staying the night and Ciel's conversation with him about kindness and atonement after he kills Arc and she stopped him from committing suicide, the entire fight between Shiki and Ciel in the school when Ciel's cold facade completely falls apart due to Shiki's sincere care for her and refusal to blame or hate her for having to kill him understanding the situation is forced on her, her being terrified of fighting an extremely pissed off Arc but doing so anyway to protect Shiki and getting her heart torn out in the process, Shiki going toe-to-toe with Arc a bit for possibly the only time in the novel, that scene of Roa accepting his death with dignity and the pages of his book fading away is pure kino, and the remnants of Nanaya sacrificing himself the same way SHIKI Ryougi did for Shiki in KNK so Tohno could live with Ciel, Ciel's crying over Shiki, etc, etc - There are plenty of great moments and Ciel, if you don't just take her at surface level is a very well-written, competent, yet tragic heroine with some of the most natural chemistry with Shiki and can be genuinely cute and endearing if you give her a chance. I, for one, think we should love and appreciate our Curry-senpai a bit more.

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