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>> No.11974190 [View]
File: 326 KB, 850x655, 18005657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's also related to Fujiwara clan.

>> No.11824294 [View]
File: 326 KB, 850x655, 1998456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/sies only think of themselves

>> No.11475513 [View]
File: 326 KB, 850x655, 18005657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how was Futo when she was alive...
Was she a man? How is her/his relation to Miko?
How did she found the art of Taoist long before Miko?

How is the relation with his brother Moriya, the one who build Moriya shrine?
Were they both Kanako's worshippers? Have they meet her before? How about Suwako?

Could it be possible that Suwako was the one who conviced Futo to stray from Shinto teachings, considering her scheming nature?
Was it because of this influence Futo doesn't have much faith in Shinto and caused her to defect, killed his brother and ruined the Mononobe clan?

I'm not taking Charcis's depiction as my headcanon, though I admit I like her personality and role, but being Tojiko's stepmother is just a bit off to me. I'm more taking to the side that she was once a pyromaniac.

I feel like making my own story but it's still need some polish and reconstruction.

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