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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.8972498 [View]
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Without conflict, there is no joy to life. How can you appreciate the sweet if you do not know the bitter?

Every day, I read on daily atrocities done by man, then go on to be happy despite everything.

>> No.8428470 [View]
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I am very much aware. That does not mean I should hide my opinions, in the same way I should not bash you for the constant crossdressing and prostitution threads I see. Who am I to judge you? I believe that there is something horribly wrong with homosexuality, but I am very much aware that the choice is yours. Not mine.

It's your life, right?</spoiler>

>> No.8394090 [View]
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I have many fetishes, but for me, it must be consensual, no matter what.

>> No.8357306 [View]
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I love the dead. Frequently.

>> No.8343920 [DELETED]  [View]
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Would you, /jp/?

>> No.3528251 [View]
File: 61 KB, 514x730, 1234487099337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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