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>> No.34070513 [View]
File: 36 KB, 364x364, nama_niku_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about the Nama Niku-Man. Or, more accurately, let me discuss its problems.

Aesthetically it's alright, if not for one feature. It has the same bean-shape, kind of, and the same wide opening as the rest of them Nikus, but, and this is going to flavor the whole review: it's floppy as fuck. As in, it's basically just a tube of rubber. It has no firmness of any kind. So the bean-shape quickly turns into whatever-the-fuck-you-want in your hands, and turns into folded-over-in-half when you put it down. A housewife from the 30s can stand up for itself better than this thing. It's honestly the floppiest, squishiest goddamn thing I've ever seen. Kind of like silly putty, but less firm. It can't even hold up its own weight and has noticeable sag when you hold it from either end, or even in the middle. Whereas the other Nikus used excellent design to hide their shortcomings, this thing doesn't have that advantage.

As for feeling, well. It has none. The little rubber nubs are back and more useless than ever because they just provide no friction. Combined with how soft the entire thing is, it feels a lot more like you're jerking off with a sleeve rather than fucking a proper onahole. I actually got soft halfway through at one point because I was so bored with it, and all the lube dribbled out onto my lap because the fucking nubs aren't even firm enough to hold up the tiny amount of liquid. The wide opening combined with how flexile it is means getting a suction going is hard, possibly because it can't even hold in the air.

Cleanup is easy, but honestly, I was tempted to not bother. I can't see a single place in my life when I'd think "I really want to use the Nama again". The stimulation was so lacking that it felt pointless. This is probably the first purchase I legitimately regret, because for the sake of completing the range, it really wasn't worth it. It might make a good stress ball, but otherwise I can't imagine anyone enjoying the ultra-sparse stimulation. Maybe someone with eczema, since I doubt it hugs tight enough to irritate the skin. If it comes off like I'm being harsh on this thing... well, I am! It's not good. Ironic that something so limp and pathetic should provide such a limp and pathetic finish to the otherwise quality Niku-Man range.

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