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>> No.45125294 [View]
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My biggest headcannon is in regards to the SDM, I have actually meaning to write a long ass fanfic about this, but I cant bring myself to actually start.
>Remilia was a vampire known as the Scarlet Devil from EU in a time where monster hunting and specially vampire hunting was a huge thing
>The church was at its peak of popularity and importance
>Remilia was a known vampire aristocrat, fairly powerful, but wasnt the most powerful, that place belonged to her sister, but she was too dangerous so Remilia had her as a last resort
>She also had a familiar called Koakuma that helped her mainaining her place
>Several vampire hunters were send to stop Remilia, but all failed
>Eventually the church decided to make a deal with a witch to send her and get rid of the vampire, since the church secretly employed other witches in the past
>Since the witch had an interest in easter magic, the church thought their plan would work
>The witch went out of her way to the mansion the vampire was said to live, in a far place in eastern Europe
>She defeated the vampires familiar easily and arrived to the master room
>But Remilia was smart, she could see that the witch wasnt that satisfied with her living conditions, so she tried to convince her to live with her in the mansion
>The witch declined, but guessed that the one thing the witch craved the most was knowledge, so she offered her the vast majority of her basement as a place to start a library and host all the magical tomes she wished to
>After thinking it, the witch obliged
>Remilia, happy to have a new friend to annoy, asked the witch her name
>Patchouli Knowledge
>Remilia employed her familiar to serve Patchouli in the new library construction and maintanance
>After not hearing news from the witch the church got desperate, and so they resorted to ask a formal vampire hunter clan to eliminate the vampire
>But the best vampire hunter clan dissappeared about a century ago, and their replacement was busy dealing with all the madness that was happening all over Europe, so they resorted to a third, lesser known and less ortodox clan
>The Van Helsing clan
>The church got in contact with the most recent descendant of said clan, a mysterious individual that preferred actions over words
>She was a appointed for the task and marched for the mansion without wasting time
>She went for the master room without alerting anyone using her abilities
>Remilia sensed the hunter and when she saw her she noticed instantly that bargain was not going to work
>So they started to fight
>The uproar caused by the duel was so much it woke up the vampires sister, and so she went to her sisters room to see what was happening
>The power of the hunter was too great and Remilia was beaten
>And just when the vampire hunter was about to finish her up, Flandre jumped into the room, taking the woman by surprise and saving her sisters skin
>However, when Flandre was about to crack the skull of the vampire hunter wide open her sister shouted her to stop, so she did, relucantly
>The hunter asked Remilia why she wasnt finished off and Remilia explained to her that her power was far too great to be wasted like that, so she made her an offer
>She would spare her life, and in exchange Remilia would employ her as her main servant
>The hunter with little to no choice decided to go along with it, swearing absolute loyalty to Remilia, abandoning humanity and serving under her wings
>Remilia noted that since her old name and identity were of no longer use, she should give her a new name, so, inspired by her friend Patchoulis research on eastern culture, she named her Sakuya Izayoi
>And so Sakuya, as a way to proof her loyalty and gain Remilias favor, warned her about how each new generation of vampire hunters was stronger than the last one, and so the day that she would not be able to protect her would eventually come if things didnt change
>Remilia was terrfied that someone stronger than Sakuya could even exist so she decided to lay low and stop hunting humans carelessly
>So she appointed her new chief maid to bring her humans to eat, luckily for her, her small apetite allowed her victims to live, and due to Sakuyas powers, the blood exctration process took less than a second in the victims perspective, only noting cuts in their skin
>And so the years went by, Patchoulis library grew and Sakuya made sure to maintain her mistresses existence low profile, and with that, the Scarlet Devil faded from fact to rumor, from rumor to legend, from legend to myth, and from myth to fantasy
>And so Gensokyo, land of fantasy, claimed the mansion and all its residents
>The first individual to come across the mansion was a lesser known youkai known as Hong Meiling, and after witnessing her utility, Remilia employed her
>And the rest is history

Did I went too far with this paranoia I mounted for myself? Yes, do I care? Nah.
The dates dont match and some details are off, but again, Im too lazy to make this an actual story.

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