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>> No.6786960 [View]
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Stop being a failure of parent, and help them (and I mean really help) get a job, and get over their social phobia.

But since I was such a shitty parent that I let my son deteriorate to that state, I probably won't ever do anything close to that.

>> No.6643539 [DELETED]  [View]
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I went outside again the other night. It had rained heavily earlier and was raining off and on still. The water reflecting the various store and street lights was incredibly pretty. It made me cry as I walked.

I needed to buy my family Christmas presents. I went to the local bookstore. I had looked up the books online to confirm they were there, and what section they would be in. One book wasn't in the section it was supposed to be in. I became so incredibly nervous. I wanted to run out, but I thought I was already attracting attention to myself by pacing through the store trying to find the book. My hands were drenched in sweat. After about an hour I managed to find it. If only I had the courage to ask an employee where the book was.

I noticed several people reading manga at the manga section. I wish I had the courage to do something like that.

Waiting in line was the worst. I felt like everyone in like was staring at me. There were so many people waiting and the line moved so slow. The guy in front of me was talking very happily to either his girlfriend or wife. I wondered what it would be like to hold a girl's hand.

I was so scared and shaken that I quickly walked home through the now heavy rain. I still need to buy more Christmas presents. I don't think I can manage to do so.

Today I sat at the phone for over an hour trying to get up the courage to dial McDonalds and ask about my application's status.

My parent's haven't kicked me out yet. They would probably still be sad if I killed myself. I guess i'll wait to end my failed existence.

Sorry for the shit blog post.

>> No.6631209 [View]
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Today my father told me he needed to talk about something. My heart stopped for a second, and I thought he was finally going to tell me to stop being a NEET failure. I was so excited. He told me he needed to borrow $200.

In other news, I filled out an internet application for Quiznos. I wish I had the courage to call up the fast food places that I apply to and ask about my application's status.

I was also thinking about applying to some convenience stores. Do any of you work at a convenience store? How often do you get robbed?

NEET general.

>> No.6626237 [View]
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I can't tell them that. I have never talked to my parents in my entire life. They have never talked to me. I never once had a talk from either of them.

My mother is so medded up from her Schizophrenia that she is basically brain-dead.

My father is an abusive alcoholic who went to jail for beating my mother and proceeded to get multiple DUIs and rack up $10,000 worth of debt after getting out of jail.

There is no way I could bring up the courage to talk to them.

I know I am making excuses, and sobbing about my parents was pointless, but I just can't do it.

Maybe I could talk to an anonymous helpline or something. I would need to buy one of those pay for minute cellphones (or get a plan) as I don't have a phone, and there is no way I could call up one of those with my family around.

>> No.6590783 [DELETED]  [View]
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I was thinking about running away from the comfort of my room with my family to force myself to get a job, and stop being such a NEET failure. I have about $2500 in the bank. I guess if I run out of money before getting a job I can just kill myself.

Have any of you done this?
Where should I run away to? I was thinking about the midwest since they have very low unemployment, but it might be difficult to live there as I have no car.

>> No.6579189 [View]
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So, I left my house today and went to see 127 Hours.

All was going well until I got to the mall and saw it absolutely littered with cars everywhere. I almost immediately turned around.

I walked into the mall to see people everywhere. My hands were absolutely drenched in sweat. I walked forward as quickly as I could thrown the ground to the movie theater, just about shitting my pants, and quickly bought a ticket. I ran into the bathroom and washed my face and hands for about 10 minutes until I calmed down enough to get into the theater.

Luckily, basically no one was seeing the movie. I think there were 5 people including me watching it. I went out the back after the movie ended and was able to avoid another near heart-attack.

I also applied at a pizza store that I saw on the edge of the food court when I got home. Maybe I can build up the courage to call them up tomorrow and ask about my application.

NEET General.

>> No.6560889 [View]
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I apologize for another hiki thread but,

I want to go out tomorrow. I need to buy gifts for my family for Christmas. I bought them online last year, but I feel like I really need to take this leap forward and go outside for once. I also want to see the movie "127 Hours" which is playing at the theater in the mall. In terms of preparation, I've taken a couple of walks outside, and even bought some menial items in the nearby packed grocery store one day.

First of all I don't know what to wear. I have two options I suppose. I have a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. I look a bit awkward in this I think. I also have a pair of slacks, a shirt & tie, and a coat that I can wear over that. Would I look really awkward wearing this in public on a Saturday (and on a bus?).

Also, on the topic of buses. Is there just a machine that I pay into when I enter? And also, more importantly, will it automatically stop at the bus terminal, or will I need to push the level to get them to stop at the terminal?

Finally, if I am feeling confident enough I was thinking about applying at the movie theater, and at the mcdonalds in person. I've applied at many places online, but everyone seems to say applying online will get you nowhere. Do I need to talk to a manager to get an application? Or will they just have a designated spot to file applications somewhere? I don't think I can handle talking to a manager without them first inviting me to talk to them.

Thanks for the help.

>> No.6526340 [View]
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ever think about what it'd be like to have a friend?

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