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>> No.21084236 [SPOILER]  [View]
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>be a small boy
>everyone in the village praises the tengu who gives blessings and stuff
>meet the tengu and sit next to her out on the fields with human friends
>we're all eating lunch and having a good time
>all the human friends leave to use the bathroom
>it's just me and the tengu
>the tengu stares at me ominously
>she turns her head to different direction; seeing if anyone is around. everyone's gone
>she glides her hands across my legs up to my hips.
>then reaches around my butt cheek and grabs it
>hey, that doesn't feel right
>she squints a little by my dissatisfaction
>she continues to molest me until the village elder comes by to tell the tengu someone needs her help
>she agrees to follow the elder into the village where everyone's at
>i now have lost faith and respect for the tengu girl
>it's dusk and i'm slowly walking down the road in the village comprehending what happened earlier
>best friend pops his head out of a jar because he's a weirdo
>hey anon, what's up. why do you look so down?
>er, nothing's wrong with me. i just....don't have anything wrong
>HEY maybe we should go see the tengu, she'll fix you right up!
>NO, i don't want to!
>why not? she's awesome and she'll make you feel better!
>i said NO! and she won't make me feel better, you're just a creep in a jar!
>anon, wait!
>i run away into the forest in an attempt to flee the village and and start a new life or something
>i'm deep in the forest
>it's dark and almost haunting because it's your first time out here at night
>you remember your father telling all kinds of dangers that lurk out at night outside the human settlements
>well this sucks
>suddenly everything got noiseless and absolutely silent
>a large hand grabs both of your hands restraining you from attacking
>you are leaned against on to the ground
>another hand yanks your pants off and violates the forbidden instrument between your legs
>you struggle and scream for help but unknowingly you are so far away from any sort of human settlement that it's useless to call for help

>pic related is the one raping you

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