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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.8751752 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x600, vomit-chan_xDDDD_FUN-FOLDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /jp/ is worst board
And you faggots think you are the very best board because you like pretending you think you are best board but everyone on 4chan thinks you are worst board but you keep on the act thinking someone gives a shit that you think you are best board even /b/ knows you are cancer and autism incarnated you seem to like this reputation because you keep creating autism threads thinking that makes you cool or some shit but in reality you are just fooling yourself because we all know if anything /jp/ should be worst fucking board and you like to think that being socially inept is a fucking badge of honor or something because you are proud of it and you don't even want to change yourself while everyone makes fun of you in reality and in the community of 4chan, you should try to be a little more subtle with your autism and not be proud of a mentally disease, also you like saying the word autism but you don't even know what that word autism actually means, autistic people have a lot more trouble than you, they didn't choose to be like that yet you choose that way of life and take proud on it like some kind of achievement that's why when someones ever mentions having a friend or a normal life you just keep on bastardizing him and cyberbully him so he feels bad about his way of life and he either chooses to give up on life because he thinks he doesn't belong in any world nor internet nor reality or he becomes a socially inept hikki neet like you.

>> No.8750254 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x600, vomit-chan_xDDDD_FUN-FOLDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there's this mod who thinks he can silence me just by deleting my thread, I am really tired of nazi mods who just go on banning and deleting threads that can actually develop in some kind of new and interesting discussion, why would you delete a thread that can help you get new ideas to improve the quality of this shitty board? i don't know and i would like you to respond to me why you would delete an interesting thread typed with my effort, yet you leave shitty threads up and nobody complains or anything, this makes me really upset because i put a lot of effort in my thread to get interesting replies and opinions but you go on and leave threads like that untouched while all of my effort goes to waste just because "lol he is mad so i am just going to delete his thread so i can see more of his autism" you see mod, if i'm not mistaken and that was your real intention by deleting my thread i would like to inform you that i just emailed moot about this little mod on /a/ who thinks he can do whatever the fuck he wants because he has a little power on his hands, moot will clearly review my mail and you will probably be a normal faggot like all of us, what are you going to do when all your power is gone? what are you going to do when this little anon ruins your week by getting your ass kicked of the mod team? /a/ used to be good when you could discuss things, now if a mod doesn't like your thread or thinks is not good he just deletes it , what the fuck is that? You should leave a thread alone if if follows the rules and is not illegal content, I wonder why would you delete a thread that could have come up with ways of making /a/ a better place. I am disappointed with you mod.

>> No.8749860 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x600, vomit-chan_xDDDD_FUN-FOLDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my cock janitor i'm tired of you deleting my threads for fuck's sake fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.8749854 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x600, vomit-chan_xDDDD_FUN-FOLDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /jp/ is worst board
And you faggots think you are the very best board because you like pretending you think you are best board but everyone on 4chan thinks you are worst board but you keep on the act thinking someone gives a shit that you think you are best board even /b/ knows you are cancer and autism incarnated you seem to like this reputation because you keep creating autism threads thinking that makes you cool or some shit but in reality you are just fooling yourself because we all know if anything /jp/ should be worst fucking board and you like to think that being socially inept is a fucking badge of honor or something because you are proud of it and you don't even want to change yourself while everyone makes fun of you in reality and in the community of 4chan, you should try to be a little more subtle with your autism and not be proud of a mentally disease, also you like saying the word autism but you don't even know what that word autism actually means, autistic people have a lot more trouble than you, they didn't choose to be like that yet you choose that way of life and take proud on it like some kind of achievement that's why when someones ever mentions having a friend or a normal life you just keep on bastardizing him and cyberbully him so he feels bad about his way of life and he either chooses to give up on life because he thinks he doesn't belong in any world nor internet nor reality or he becomes a socially inept hikki neet like you.

Continued next post.

>> No.8749756 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x600, vomit-chan_xDDDD_FUN-FOLDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /jp/ is worst board
And you faggots think you are the very best board because you like pretending you think you are best board but everyone on 4chan thinks you are worst board but you keep on the act thinking someone gives a shit that you think you are best board even /b/ knows you are cancer and autism incarnated you seem to like this reputation because you keep creating autism threads thinking that makes you cool or some shit but in reality you are just fooling yourself because we all know if anything /jp/ should be worst fucking board and you like to think that being socially inept is a fucking badge of honor or something because you are proud of it and you don't even want to change yourself while everyone makes fun of you in reality and in the community of 4chan, you should try to be a little more subtle with your autism and not be proud of a mentally disease, also you like saying the word autism but you don't even know what that word autism actually means, autistic people have a lot more trouble than you, they didn't choose to be like that yet you choose that way of life and take proud on it like some kind of achievement that's why when someones ever mentions having a friend or a normal life you just keep on bastardizing him and cyberbully him so he feels bad about his way of life and he either chooses to give up on life because he thinks he doesn't belong in any world nor internet nor reality or he becomes a socially inept hikki neet like you.

Aren't you a little ashamed about your childish behavior?

>> No.8002446 [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x600, Vomitchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He thinks Eushully is better than Alicesoft

>> No.7997812 [View]
File: 110 KB, 600x600, Vomitchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He thinks Leaf is better than Elf

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