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>> No.39133670 [View]
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In a tall room with a bunch of others, Yukari floating above us. Someone tells her to build a sacrificial tower, Yukari gives a moment of silence, I say "as long as you're okay with being the first one sacrificed." She builds it then floats down near us, selecting one person who was a false follower, taking him up atop the tower, torturing him for a bit then beheading him, his body parts falling inside the tower.
In either this thread or Yukari's, saw people posting about an animation that was the sac tower dream just before, I thought, "it wasn't a dream?"
In a stairwell place, there's a ghost of some dude bothering me at one door so I left shit by it.
At a little gathering outdoor round a table, the ghost of that ginger comes saying "you have to keep fighting if you want Yukari's love, when does love become love anyway?"
There's rows of desks lined up before a stage, Yukari is up there but I don't remember anything she said. A guy next to me did some pushups and she did it as well though they both did them very poorly. I see some thing at the right of the hall saying someone(me) picked up a red and blue gemstone but was failing to do much with it, also mentioning some other thing that was also me failing to do much with it. I notice Sengoku Nadeko sitting at the desk on my left. Yukari makes fun of me somehow.
I see an Angus Nicneven webpage that was the Pnakotic Manuscripts, it had 5 or 6 links to other pages that I just clicked on all of before immediately returning each time, with another layer of distorted bgm being added to the page each time, on one subpage or the main page was a 999999 watcher saying I was the one who had to stop the corruption from destroying everything as the webpage turned into a bsod although black with orange text. Then I'm in a mall, Angus goes into a storeroom with an older guy, coming out with a couple of magic-boosting artifacts he hands me as I say thanks. One of them has a little knob that I'm using as an analog stick for a Disgaea game, my party being Killia, Red Magnus, and a couple other melee protagonists who were about lvl 20-25 and myself, a flaming sorcerer who was lvl 30. There was a battle against a lvl80-100 Charizard that I started, using a powerful flame spell that only did about 10% of its hp.
Walking a dirt road with others, I notice I'm naked I'm saying it's the dream's fault, someone points out the bushes have a bunch of clothes in them so I get dressed, I leave the others going up into a house, entering a room where a couple native Americans were smoking hookah with another guy.

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