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>> No.18848960 [View]
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Well, since the fifth Jabjab Maidoari is to be held this Sunday, here's another small collage from the samples and previews on Twitter, so that you can be as jealous as me about stuff we're never getting. There are more goods than this (green hair and 2* artbook collaborations are especially notable), but not all of them had cover pages available, and items like keychains, clear files and pendants (as well as more esoteric things like a FKG-themed tarot deck and a special tea blend) are sold in the convention as well.

I'm especially interested in that Acacia/Robinia book, which is fully yuri, as well as the Dark Souls parody, which features a personal favorite in Catchfly. You can see a preview of the former at https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68296895 and the latter at https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68290423

Congrats, getting your targets on the first try is quite the feat. Enjoy your chuuni phantom thief who sings her own theme song while no one's watching.

Fusing your spares is indeed the better course of action, especially if you intend to rarity promote her later on. I'd try for Larkspur too, since her interactions with Nightshade are cute, but maybe waiting for a gacha that features her but not Streptocarpus would be ideal, because getting a dupe rainbow really stings (as I learned very recently).

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