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>> No.48543267 [View]
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it was a choice to sage her thread, just as it was a choice for you to withhold your faith

>> No.47408177 [View]
File: 481 KB, 752x1062, 1695645701106323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's the difference in doctrine that permanently sets them apart as incompatible in that they wont ever occupy the same space or influence.

Gods in eastern religions are very much real and often physical or earthbound. Kami are enshrined in structures we build and dedicate to them and many are bound to individual mountains in this manner. The Christian God is not enshrined in any of His churches in the same way, he doesn't actually live there. He is very hands off and distant in this regard, a force operating from a very high level (from the heavens). Whereas Gods like Suwako and Kanako are tangible and localized operating at a low level (on or near the earth). Their proximity and hands on approach is far greater at managing a smaller area and have the capability to curse or smite those who earn their ire. God doesn't do this, at least not since biblical times as places IRL are doing far worse than Sodom and Gomorrah ever did and still stand as an affront in His sight. Even after biblical times He sent angels in his stead in cases like some Saints and what not, which also doesn't happen anymore.

Either way, God isn't doing a very good job at managing His Kingdom. Either He's playing it completely hands off or He left for a new project. I cant see any other explanation for why blasphemy and sacrilege is so common place and permitted since this shit absolutely did not fly back then and He flooded the Earth because of it. As opposed to Gensokyo's Gods who actively fight for their spiritual slice of the pie between the Taoists and Buddhists.

You're bold to assume any of these lofty Abrahamic Gods would care for a backwater of dying religions when they hardly care for the world at large. It is literally beneath their notice and their power onto the faithful has waned. This waning can also be reflected in the faithful themselves, religion becomes an ever shrinking part of our lives, at most it's something you do Sunday mornings or a moment at supper. His name is taken more in vain than in reverence. Even our religious institutions are falling in on themselves and have schisms over minor issues. Are we sure the faith we give is actually going to them? The faith that these religions collect is going nowhere, and some bumfuck cleric certainly isn't going to be casting any miracles since they aren't the focus of the people's faith and their God isn't granting them any power, unlike Sanae who does collect some faith for herself, gains power from her Kami, and is growing closer to divine ascension.
That fallen angels exist are enough of a nail in that coffin. Shinki and Sariel probably have some not so very flattering words to say about God.

He would have to be since Jesus Christ is referenced several times. As mentioned above, they exist but are essentially apathetic.

The whole point is to keep Youkai alive in the modern age, if the barrier vanished so too would 99% of all Gensokyo's Youkai, with the remaining 1% following soon after. Fantasy cannot survive in a world ruled by hard logic, science, and reason. Yukari only does what she does because Gensokyo keeps her on life support and gives her a base to grow her powers and abduct people from, it protects her.

>> No.46166421 [View]
File: 481 KB, 752x1062, Kanako (54).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45449434 [View]
File: 481 KB, 752x1062, IMG_1950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could any goddess even compete?

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