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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.42042601 [View]
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>sakamichi have a large amount female fanbase (even Nogis
Nogizaka has the biggest female fans numbers in Sakamichi. Twitter headcanon thinks it is only otaku who follow Nogizaka, but any Japanese speaking person (or any person following Nogizaka and not just watching subbed variety) knows this
>and they like these things too.
They like cringe fashion? You clearly need to start interacting with normal people outside of Twitter. Cringe, pretensions fashion like examples I posted above (which btw you posted first, I just saved them) is ridiculed by both sexes (there are only two sexes). If you ask Japanese female about it, you will likely get the same answer you'd get by a Japanese guy- which is not going to be a negative answer. Unless you get to know each other well, which you are incapable off (as you said yourself- you are hated by all three communities you participated in regarding idols)
>And not every female sakamichi fan is LGBT.
Stop misrepresenting what I said. Making up an argument in a hope I will defend it as if it was my own only works on Twitter. This is not Twitter
>As I said, if you don't like fashion then just don't follow those events or skip the comments of people talking about it
Stop being such a fragile snowflake
>but you really can't decide what people should like and post about here.
I can decide, that posting some male actor's feet and dreaming about licking it (as you did) is something that belongs to a Twitter fandom scene, not here. Nogizaka fans are LGBT negative, so you will get bullied for it. On Twitter you are in a bubble and you can post it freely on that platform
>As always, you're more obsessed about gays and personalities than the group you're supposed to like.
>I made a fool out of myself, and when people call it out I say "obsessed" (or backpaddle)

This is what fashion girls are interested in looks like (not that cringe you think is cool). Can you now tell the difference between oshare and pretentious cringe enjoyed by only small minority of people?

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