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>> No.29243227 [View]
File: 39 KB, 226x248, sui self-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite the long story and I don't know how much you know but here's the rundown:
>Suisei started as an indie with absolutely no backing at all
>had to work part-time to fund herself, worked at fast food and izakaya on top of having to take on video commissions
>released 1st original song whose lyrics basically say "please find me and notice me", didn't reach far as she wanted it to
>she didn't really know what exactly her strengths are because even if she's a jack of all trades, she's a master of none, she knows her works are painfully mediocre and she doesn't have the "uniqueness" to stand out, which gave her a severe lack of confidence that only got better recently but she still has it
>she wasn't even sure if she was actually an idol but still tried her best to act like it because it's her character, in her old streams it was even a joke to type "アイドル…? (idol…?)" when she says "I'm an idol after all!"
>everyone thought she was stupid because she mispelled Idol Youtuber as Aidol Youtuber in her first ever batch of goods and had to prove she wasn't retarded through kanji tests (she got shitty marks), whistling (she still can't do it after 2 years), and tetris (she was deathly nervous back then so she lost a couple times against viewers)
>eventually joined S:gnal in hopes of actually making something worthwhile, got kicked out after a month for unspecified reasons and was banned from doing any activities for a week
>released Tenkyuu on her 1st anniversary, meant it to be her swan song and an expression of gratitude for all the cometomos who still support her (that's why at the very end of Tenkyuu MV you can see there's a message saying "あなたに、感謝を込めて")
>still somehow didn't want to give up so she joined INNK
>promised her fans that she'll do stuff like releasing a 3rd original song, getting a 3D model after 30k subs and so on
>she got neglected and didn't release anything anyway for a year and had to commission everything for her Kakusei cover because INNK won't provide her with anything
>increased her stream times and frequency, from once a week she streamed everyday, sometimes twice for around 1-2 hours depending on her mood, but still stayed unpopular
>thought about quitting a lot of times but when her friends and the holos ask her for a collab she felt like continuing so she did
>finally moved to main branch
>got a new model, FBK and other holos dropped by to tell her she's cute and welcome to Hololive, FBK in particular dropped her an akasupa

It was the moment where it just hit her that her efforts have finally paid off, she rarely cries unless its for moments like that.

>> No.28474953 [View]
File: 39 KB, 226x248, sui self-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I think its both, she still has a lot to improve on. Technique-wise, she's still lacking on voice control, this is pretty evident when she sings on acapella. She also lacks proper breath control so she still has difficulty climbing to high notes and maintaining those high notes. There's also some problems when she belts out, which is linked to her voice control problem because when she belts out it always turns really fucking explosive which can be a little bit off-putting. In terms of power, which is her forte, she's still lacking because she's still getting eaten by some of her duet partners (recent example is her Yesterday with Takatsuki Kanako). Then there's also the issue of her still being scared to do vibratos when she can pull them off; she does vibratos more when she's joking around and pissed off to hell during fall guys streams and GOI streams instead of actually pulling off a vibrato during songs. Plus, there's also the fact that Suisei doesn't know how to match singers of other levels--regardless of whoever she sings with, she just sings in the same old way which can be either hit or miss (compare her duet with Asami Tano (hit) with her duet with Mokota Mememe (miss)).
However, she's been starting to improve slowly because she's more aware of her vocal range now unlike before where she just sung whatever the hell she wanted to and regardless if it fits her voice or not. She's also starting to learn how to hit and hold high notes (evident in Pieces), and she's also learning how to put more effects to her voice to not sound monotonous (you can hear this when you compare her Tenkyuu performance in holofes 1 to her Tenkyuu in blbl world or the STARt IN THE SCREEEN one). Ever since she's done music space she's also been improving on her voice control and harmonization, probably because the guests have been giving her some advices, plus singing with them gives her experience. Suisei is definitely improving slowly, but I wouldn't say she's already good when she mostly just powers her way through (she also described that she doesn't really know why she sings the way she does, she just follows her "soul" like the chuuni she is). She can still improve in a lot of ways.

>> No.26762749 [View]
File: 39 KB, 226x248, sui self-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei doesn't like streaming for long hours, but she has done 6 hour streams before (tetris endurance stream, plus another one I forgot but it was back in her indie days). Even in her indie days she never was a frequent streamer, she only used to stream like once a week.
When she got into hololive she started streaming more frequently to comply with the company regulations, she used to do two streams everyday, did 2 hour streams but rarely went beyond 2 hours. Her streaming hours never really changed either (1800~2400/0000JST), because, well, she has her own life beyond streaming.
These days she only goes for 2hr when its an acapella stream, 1hr 30mins max for tetris and 6-ball puzzle.

>> No.25727286 [View]
File: 39 KB, 226x248, sui self-portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly makes you feel that way? Perhaps you only feel that way because she's becoming more busy these days so she's losing more and more time to spend with her fans. If so, then you should know Suisei knows exactly how you feel and she shares the same sentiments, she has said it like 4 times now in several streams that she's worrying that her fans might start forgetting about her and leave her because she can't stream as much anymore, but since she loves her work way too much she can't really help but take up more outside work, so she tries her best to make it up by streaming as much as she can, and she's thinking of doing more stuff that can surprise and entertain her fans.
If the reason why you're feeling down is because of these threads then you should just learn how to have nerves of steel because those will never end, remember that she was originally the falseflagger target before they moved on to another girl.

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