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>> No.24341030 [View]
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You either retvrn and Daoist max to become 天人 or 仙. Or, For the magic approach, I suppose you would first want to study theoretical mathematics 18 hours. If you think about it, Renko is a theoretical physics student studying the grand unified theory. Furthermore, although laws of natural science no longer holds in Gensokyo, but disregarding the fantasy elements, what knowledge is remains the same. Therefore, logic/mathematics are still very valuable, given they studies or shows the relation/structure between symbolic objects instead of objects in the world. Finally, when you do danmaku battles, there are at least 3 spatial dimensions to account for, and more dimensions are possible depending on the spellcard. Therefore, it can be reasonably assumed that these kind of "senses" are natural to beings in Gensokyo. Even Cirno is capable of laying out the trajectory of many objects at least in 3 dimensional space, and process all the information needed to control temperature at the same time. Since you are only human, you lack this attribute by nature, therefore you must make it up by rigorous study of mathematics. Once you have achieved a good level of mathematics, you can perhaps try to somehow show you ability to one of the magicians. At this point, given your mathematics/logics skill, you basically just need a set of starting points of magic so your theoretical knowledge can touch the reality. Or, if you are really talented, perhaps you can figure out these starting points via induction through observation of Marisa's doll performance etc. Finally, you could come up with a grand theory that unifies all of the powers of Touhou characters. Then, you could probably become a god.

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