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>> No.45408532 [View]
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Kisami caught us at the door to the hall with her usual assault of Yamame with hugs and kisses, though I imagine that both Yamame and I were surprised when she then turned on me for similar treatment. "Ki!" Yamame cried, trying to pull the redheaded spider away from me. "Can't you control yourself!? He’s not your-"

"C'mon, Yams! He's practically part of the family already!" Kisami insisted while I wiped my face clean. "Unless you think he isn't...?" She narrowed her eyes and stared into Yamame's face until the smaller spider shrunk back slightly and stammered something unintelligible. "Well, my work here is done, anyway. I'm off inside, little sister. Oh, and I need to borrow your boyfriend again, pretty soon."

"B-Borrow?" Yamame stammered in confusion. "For what?" She looked over at me, and I tried to shrug back as naturally as I could. "D'you know?" I slowly shook my head, though I supposed that I did know privately that it was for talking about rings. “Honestly, Ki, what’s with your secrecy nonsense? You know how I feel about this sort of thing.”

"Don't worry yourself." Kisami told Yamame, reaching her hand out. Yamame, seemingly sick of the whole thing, finally managed to get out of the way before Kisami could go for her hair again, and she pouted. "How cruel, Yams. Denying your big sister the chance to ruffle your hair? What am I supposed to do with myself?" She sighed loudly. "Well, I suppose I'll have to find something else to do, rather than embarrassing you. Cruel, cruel, cruel…Take care, my favourite couple in the world." She told us, opting to ruffle my hair instead, despite my protests. Then, she pushed her way inside the hall, leaving Yamame and I stood there.

"Is it just me, or is she getting even more out of control lately?" Yamame muttered, before grabbing me by the wrist and stomping inside, pulling me along with her. "What does she want with you?" I shook my head and said that I wasn't sure. "I hope she's not interested in you...Like that." She grumbled under her breath. I didn't think so, I said as Yamame pulled me past a group of her sisters who were excitedly talking about how much they were planning to drink.

I wondered how old they actually were, but then I supposed that it didn't really matter as long as someone was around to keep them from getting out of control. Then, Yamame pulled me out of the crowd and through a sliding door into an empty hallway with a flight of stairs leading up to somewhere else. And then, Yamame pushed me against the wall and trapped me with her arms. "I said that I didn't want to share." She growled, before pressed herself against me and getting up on her tiptoes to kiss me deeply and roughly. After some amount of time that I thought was probably at least a few years, she broke the kiss and stumbled back, leaving both of us gasping for air. She stared at me and I could tell that she was planning to go in for another round, and she came back toward me-

"Big Sister!" Nai cried from the top of the stairs. Both Yamame and I turned our heads and shouter her name at the exact same moment, then looked back at each other in surprise, before looking back at Nai, who'd jumped and half hidden herself behind the landing. "Ah!" She cried. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't see anything!" She slapped a hand over her eyes, but even at that distance I could tell that she was peeking through her fingers. "It's just - Um, I was told to keep an eye out for you, and - And I-I heard someone come through this door so I..."
She trailed off, and Yamame sighed as she pulled my T-shirt back into alignment, then headed for the stairs, leaving me to get myself under control. "No, I'm sorry, Nai. That was my fault, I shouldn't have done it." Yamame spoke gently as she ascended the stairs and gently pried Nai from the banister at the landing so she could wrap her in an even more gentle hug. After a moment, I followed her up the stairs and awkwardly stood there until Yamame shot me a significant look, at which point I took that as permission to join in, so I crouched down and wrapped my arms around the both of them, which was nice.

Once Nai had calmed down, Yamame asked her what was happening. "Um, well...I was asked to help plan this whole...Er, party, so I did my best, and Big Sis Yura and Big Sis Reiko are upstairs, so they wanted to know when you'd arrived." With the hug ended, Nai stood up properly and Yamame and I both stepped back slightly to give her some room. She ran her fingers through her hair, breathing out slowly. "S-So, er, should I...?" She gestured up the next flight of stairs, and Yamame nodded. Up the two went, and I followed behind, hoping that Nai was doing okay. I imagined that having two people yell her name at once had been a little rattling. We reached the landing and Nai led us through another sliding door, which led into a small room with a few seats and another door behind that which seemed to lead into the hall itself, so I assumed that there was a balcony.

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