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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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5ch Dumpster Dive Daily Dose Day 9
Please no more APEX edition

>つうか以前から4chanに出張してる日本人かなり多いだろ redditに比べて短文や定型的なコピペ構文でまともな英語書けなくても問題ないし自演連投もし放題だからアンスレと似たようなノリがあるのもそのせいだよ
>There've been a lot of Japanese people crossposting on 4chan lately. Unlike Reddit, it's not a problem if your ESL-level posts are a couple of words long or follow some generic copy/paste format. It’s an all-you-can-shitpost (you) buffet, kind of like our anti threads. You’ll fit right in.

>ROM専だけど日本人レスは浮いてるしすぐバレるぞ 俺が貼ったAAが向こうに流れた時はビビった
>I'm just a lurker, but you can find a lot of Japanese posts floating around. I was surprised to see ASCII art I posted here get copy/pasted over there.

>That's because people keep posting worthless narratives. You wouldn't even know if the context/meaning was changed, but that doesn't matter when it comes to making meaningless anti posts.

>I'm watching Wat-chan right now, but I don't understand English at all

>Watchama's reactions are really cute, so her streams are fun even if you don't understand what's going on. Is this how Korone appeals to overseas bros?

>Watson's discussing dreams and making small talk

>You'll understand the streams more if you read posts on 4chan (instead of asking here)


>/jp/ - Otaku Cultureてところかな?
>Wait, is it /jp/ - Otaku Culture?

>Don't expect much. It's mostly full of greentext during live streams.

>I see...

>Sad News: sightings of an APEX retard in EN (referring to Watson's APEX stream)

>Is there even any demand for APEX?

>[various posts expressing disdain for APEX; lit. debuff game, see bottom for details]
>APEX is a good choice for when you want to bleed viewers

>I wanna see Watchama play Valorant again

>Someone please translate Watson's schedule for the week

>I'm glad the line-ups for EN don't involve playing the same game over and over

>実況による面白さは言葉がわからない海外には刺さらないからな 可愛さは万国共有で強い
>Foreigners don't get to experience the fun of livestreams due to the language barrier, but thankfully cuteness is universally all-powerful.

>I took a look at her stream because the thread's full of Watsonposting, but it's 100% in English. Why are you guys even watching her?

>Because we can all speak English

>You're the only one here that doesn't know English

>Today's rurudo-sensei's birthday

>What do you guys think rurudo-sensei likes to do under the covers?
>Cow girl
>Bondage play
>"Please use me as an onahole~"
>She likes it rough
>I get the feeling she's a hard M that's into some crazy shit like stomach punching

Side Note #1: People commonly refer to APEX as a Debuff Game (デバフゲー) due to the debuff-like effect it has on viewer counts.
see: Matsuri

Side Note #2: I've interpreted 自演連投 (lit. consecutive self-posts) as '(you) baiting/posting' and 自己主張の文章 (lit. self-asserting story) as 'narrative'.

Dumpster Dive Day 8: >>/jp/thread/S26663356#p26663434

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