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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.18801356 [View]
File: 32 KB, 512x384, hiroyuki learning about moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin AKA Christopher Poole AKA faggot AKA mootles AKA mootykins AKA luggagelad AKA mot AKA Olev AKA The CEO of Troll Inc.

Singlehandedly responsible for:

- leaving the textboards to a slow painful death by spam, then washing his hands of them all by axing them all
- the /a/ schism and birth of /jp/
-the prolonged torment and singular misery that led way to modern /jp/ including the "weaponized /a/" raid
- killing visible sage (and the email field) and self moderation
- killing minority spirit
- abandoning his principles in a failing scheme to becoming a normalfag
- the creation of flexible and vague rules that will always favor the whims of the moderation
- a moderation system that is basically just a buddy system with zero transparency, reaching corruption levels of a small rural American police department.
- Using his knowledge of Imageboards to directly provide valuable data to Project ReCaptcha, rapidly improving the proficiency of the Google Skynet powered fueled by millions of anonymous shitposts for free.
- Going on TED talks and talking pretentious shit about how facebook and google lack freedom, yet always pulled the "4chan was never about free speech card" against his own criticisms.
- removing the beecock picture
- ended the fun of anons embedding rars in images to share
- awkward hand gestures during public speaking
- axing /l/
- Resurrecting /r9k/ and /stormfront/
- the creation of /soc/, /lgbt/, and /mlp/
- Refusal to create a true Nijiura board
- blatant and constant shitposting, both as anon and with his Admin tag
- using legalese to argue that anons own their own posts, yet set it so we are unable to delete posts easily or at all on certain boards
- and more!

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