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>> No.46540368 [View]
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I think it grows on you as you mull over it once you've read everything and put the game down.
I can see why it was constructed the way it was, and in my personal opinion the "answer" wasn't the point of the game. The point of the game was the thinking taken in getting there, which only the reader can choose to engage in or not, hence why people who read Higurashi first and read Umi thinking it would be more or less the same story rehashed a little might be a little peeved.
I don't think he changed the solution or anything, he just led you away from the correct course by having Battler be a bit of a moron in the QA's. It's only after I've read the AA's that I think I can appreciate how well the QA's were set up.
If there was a mistake it was episode 7 being a massive boring plot exposition that doesn't quite tell you everything you want to know. It's unsatisfying because it never explains the main mystery of episode 6, which is how Kanon "disappeared" from the closet. It's hinted at, but Claire being one hell of an unreliable narrator is more confusing than anything. I don't know what I'd do differently though, since it just is the time that everything has to be laid out now that Battler's realised the main secret, but I'm not all that impressed with the way that bit was handled. Episode 8 is one hell of a sendoff though. I don't think I can really fault it for what it is. It just doesn't finish what people thought episode 7 started, it ends Ange's character development instead, which is what 7 left open ended.

Oh yeah, and as always I'm just some fag on the internet, pinch of salt and all. I don't ever think I explain myself well when I write these, but I've written it now.

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