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>> No.47116001 [View]
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ZUN flanderized her to the point of unfunnyness.
Just look at the games, Youmu used to be impulsive, straightfoward, loyal, brave against everything but ghosts and a bit dumb.
Now shes just dumb, fuck, shes as dumb as fucking UTSUHO for fucks sake, I hate the modern printworks so fucking much, CDS being the main culprit here.

>> No.46904344 [View]
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Why cant these threads be normal.
Why does every time these threads get made it always ends up in degenerate hornyposting.

>> No.46755438 [View]
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Its a very long story and I dont like talking about myself when I come here, but to summarize.
>No objective
I hate sandboxes, not having a clear goal grinds my gears like you have no idea, I like having clear north and an objective to die for.
>Boring gameplay
If I wanted to fight mobs I would play Mega Man Zero, if I wanted to do shit with blocks I would unpack my legos, playing MC feels like a waste of time and a watered down version of other things I actually like.
>Engineered to be a relaxing experience
It has the opposite effect on me, things that are made to relax you stress me out, same reason I hate that every game ever has a fucking fishing minigame, unless it is for drawing or writing I do not have patience, if I wanted to relax I would play Mega Man X or Kirby.
>Non music
The music is not made to be memorable, its made to be ambience noise to complement whatever youre doing, and as someone that has making music as a hobby, I hate that with burning passion, its the same reason I feel a strong animosity towards BOTW, because in addition to having some of the issues listed above, the overworld music is null and void compared to literally every other Zelda game.
>Over exposition
Self explanatory, seeing MC everywhere made me sick and I still dont like being shown that game everywhere I go, the same thing happened with Undertale, doesnt help that every time I even remotely imply that MC is not my thing everyone jumps at me with that "youre losing something so amazingly amazing bro!" attitude.
There are other factors, but that its the nick of it. Is MC a bad game? Probably not, that doesnt prevent me from hating it, and I say that liking my fair share of equally overrated games.

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