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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.11230149 [View]
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Getting high with /jp/!

I smoke because I've become rather disillusioned and bored with most of the hobbies and things I used to love, but when I'm high everything is fascinating; you can stare at a tree or a lawn or an animal and become hypnotized just overanalyzing the shit out of it ("holy shit look at this cat, so soft, what a great cat, where did cats come from, why is there a cat instead of no cat, I love this fuckin' cat, the best cat, wow") so anime and video games and shit are amazing too. Once I stared into my LED-lit computer case for like 10 minutes thinking about all the fuckin' electrons zooming around in there and how amazing it looked. Also music is more engaging, a really intense song with a lot of feeling or a big crescendo or climax can give you shivers and make you unable to think about anything but the music, and everything in general is more emotional, I've cried over sappy movies and corny cutscenes, and laughed until i was out of breath at things that are normally only mildly funny.

As far as, >>11229907, it's not even comparable to cigarettes and it's extremely unlike alcohol as well. In a lot of ways cannabis is the anti-alcohol. Drinks make you boisterous and act without thinking, while weed makes you act cautiously and overthink everything you do (leading to anxiety in some people). Drinking makes you sick to your stomach, weed relieves nausea and upset stomach and increases appetite. Alcohol makes you too dizzy and dumb to focus on anything, cannabis makes you entranced and immersed into anything you do or watch. Alcohol can make you violent, aggressive, and hateful, but when I get high shitposts and youtube comments and feminists and shit that normally makes me angry just makes me laugh and smile at how silly it is.

>> No.11142464 [View]
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